Stories of Andrews: Other

A Stupid Brilliance

   Campus News | Posted on January 13, 2017
“One out of five people has a learning disability. I didn’t know that. I thought I was the only one and I felt so isolated.” Heather Briggs, senior photography major, struggled with words. ... read more

Austin Currie & Chandler Koerting

   Stories of Andrews: Other | Posted on November 23, 2016
Every once in a while, our stories are marred by tragedy. And so, it is with sadness that we pause to mark the Andrews University story—a story touched once again, by tragedy. On Sabbath, Nov.19, 2016, tragedy took... read more

Service, Not Self

   Campus News | Posted on November 22, 2016
Ralph Trecartin entered Atlantic Union College as a theology major with every intention of becoming a pastor. When he added accounting as a minor, he never saw the change in his future coming. “I... read more

Part of My Journey

   Campus News | Posted on August 12, 2016
When I was 8 years old a man jumped into the pool and landed on my dad’s neck. My dad sunk to the bottom of the pool and couldn’t move and all he could do was pray. By... read more


   Campus News | Posted on August 12, 2016
So here I am in the MDiv program in the Seminary, a program specifically designed to train pastors, and I have no plans to become a pastor. Let me explain. I used to watch... read more