Stories of Andrews: President Luxton

Alayne Thorpe

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on April 29, 2019
My earliest memories are all connected to education—my father, a fifth/sixth grade teacher, teaching his students and working with those who needed extra instruction, my mother baking cookies for his classroom, my father taking his class on a... read more

Newton Hoilette

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on November 2, 2018
My life really started in high school in Jamaica. I was in an Anglican school at the time and determined to be a doctor; I would have been like Albert Schweitzer if my mother had her wishes. But... read more

Dominique Gummelt

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on June 18, 2018
My parents had unanimously decided on my name before I was even an idea: Dominique. It means “belonging to God.” Then they were told they could not have children. Eleven years later, I found my way into this... read more

Jordan Smart

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on April 2, 2018
I was born in Rochester, New York, the child of Jamaican parents. I didn’t realize it until later, but my parents sacrificed so much in coming to the United States to give my brother and me the life... read more

Øystein (Sten) LaBianca

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on January 16, 2018
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” I would like to share my story... read more

Ruben Perez-Schulz

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on September 12, 2017
Let me start my story with my father. He was the eldest son of a wealthy wine producer in Chile and his life ahead seemed clear. But then at age 19 he found out about the Seventh-day Adventist... read more

Michael Nixon

   Stories of Andrews: President Luxton | Posted on July 6, 2017
Law school was a big step up from my undergrad studies at Andrews, but it was also the first time I was studying in a non-Adventist educational environment. Needless to say, I did not adjust well and I... read more

Jessina Wangui Marenga

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on April 18, 2017
My name is Jessina Wangui Marenga, and I am an African. My mother is from Kenya and my father from Zimbabwe. That makes me African, and I hold that truth near and dear to my heart. ... read more