AnnouncementsSee More

2023 Kingman Lecture to Focus on Dinosaurs

   Campus News | Posted on February 16, 2023
The third annual Robert & Lillis Kingman Lecture Series on Science & Society will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 21, with featured speaker Mary Higby Schweitzer, PhD. Her talk, titled “Dinosaurs under the Microscope,” will provide insight into... read more

Dwain L. Ford Guest Lecture Series: Spring 2023

   Campus Announcements | Posted on February 16, 2023
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, the Office of Research & Creative Scholarship and the Andrews University Community Engagement Council will host different, dynamic speakers on a wide range of topics for this academic year's Dwain L. Ford... read more

2023 Black History Month: Forward

   Diversity: Blog | Posted on February 16, 2023
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther... read more

All Nations SDA Church Service, Feb. 18

   Local Churches | Posted on February 16, 2023
All Nations invites you to woship with us as Martin Hannah preaches the word. This Sabbath's message is "The Logic of Love: A Valentine Message." Please join us in our Sabbath School disussion, which begins at 10:30 a.m.... read more

God's Abundant Pantry: Free Food for Students

   Campus Announcements | Posted on February 16, 2023
God’s Abundant Pantry (GAP), a food bank ministry of Pioneer Memorial Church, provides supplemental food staples such as canned goods, rice, beans, pasta, cereal, bread and flour for Andrews University students. The food is free to any Andrews University students who need... read more

Andrews Student Receives Weniger Scholarship

   Campus Announcements | Posted on February 16, 2023
William Yoong, Andrews University student, has won a Weniger Student Scholarship. You are invited to attend or watch the 48th presentation of the Charles Weniger Awards, the Adventist equivalent of the Oscars, on Feb. 18 at 4:30 p.m.... read more

Strayer to Speak on History of SDA Lifestyles

   Community Announcements | Posted on February 16, 2023
Brian Strayer, retired professor of history at Andrews University, will make the first of two presentations on "A History of Adventist Lifestyles: Some Facts, Some Insights, and Some Surprises." The talk is scheduled for Sabbath, Feb. 18, at... read more

Ukraine Benefit Concert

   Community Announcements | Posted on February 16, 2023
The Slavic congregation at the Village Seventh-day Adventist Church will be sharing a 60-minute concert to benefit those in Ukraine who are working to relieve suffering and bring hope. A freewill offering will be taken. ... read more