Study Tour

The Community & International Development Program, Social Work and the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship are making plans for taking you to Madagascar in summer of 2025. You will have the opportunity to see socio-economic problems, design & implement innovative solutions through humanitarian relief and development projects. NOTE: This tour is available to all AU students, undergraduate and graduate.


  • Class Dates:  May 6 - 7, 2025
  • Tour Dates:    May 12 - June 2, 2025 (tentative dates)

LOCATIONS (tentative)

  • Antananarivo (Tana)
  • Ampefy
  • Mahajanga
  • Katsepy


Click on each day to see more details. Words in blue are links. More information coming soon.

Students taking the tour for academic credit will attend classes on the Tuesday and Wednesday after May graduation.

Last leg

Early in the morning we will take the AU bus to the Airport for our flights to Antananarivo (Tana), Madagascar. Afternoon arrival on Tuesday, May 13th and transfer to hotel. Overnight in Tana.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar, also known as "Tana"

Time for rest and exploring after the long trip.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Ring-tailed Lemurs native to Madagascar

Breakfast at the hotel before heading south-east of Tana to spend our morning at the Lemurs' Park. After lunch we will travel to Ampefy to check into our hotel and then visit sites to discuss Environment, Poverty, Rehabilitation, and Trauma.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Lily Waterfall

Breakfast at the hotel before heading out to study Rural Development and Culture, and to visit Lily Waterfall and Ilot de la Vierge Marie.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Community service

After breakfast at the hotel we will go to a local church for morning worship. After worship we will head back to the hotel for lunch. In the afternoon you will be able to choose between resting at the hotel, taking part in creation care/community service, or returning to church for aftenoon church fellowship.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Grant proposal brainstorming

Breakfast at the hotel followed by grant proposal brainstorming.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Analavory Geyser

Breakfast at the hotel followed by working on grant proposal writing. We will also take time to visit the Analavory Geyser.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

The Art of Violette et Dieudonne

Breakfast before heading back to Tana. In Tana we will visit an iron works place called The Art of "Violette et Dieudonne" and have discussions about Social Enterprise, Human Rights,/

Poverty, Social Mobility, and Project Cycle Management.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Visit with Government Officials / City Mayor and interviews

Breakfast at the hotel before hopefully visiting with government officials to discuss Political Economy of Development.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Tana market

Breakfast at the hotel before visiting a site to address Development & Innovation, a Market Place for learning about Small and Medium Enterprises, then finishing off with shopping for souvenirs if desired.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Travelling in minibus

Breakfast at the hotel before traveling to Mahajanga. This drive will take 12-14 hours with several breaks in-between.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Worship service

After breakfast at the hotel we will go to a local church for morning worship. After worship we will head back to the hotel for lunch. In the afternoon you will be able to choose between resting at the hotel, taking part in creation care/community service, or returning to church for aftenoon church fellowship.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Baobab Forest

Breakfast at the hotel before heading to a site to learn and discuss the SDG 15-Life on Land.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Mahajanga Marina

After breakfast at the hotel we will head to the ocean to take a ferry to from Mahajanga to Katsepy on the other side of the bay. Here we will have the opportunity to learn and discuss SDG 14-Life Below Water. 

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Visiting a village to learn about Gender Equality

Breakfast at the hotel before heading out to learn and discuss SDG 5-Gender Equality.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Dr. Joel planning where to go next

Breakfast at the hotel before heading out to implement the Tool Box.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Breakfast at the hotel. Then heading to a site to learn about and discuss SGD 10-Reduced Inequality.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Breakfast at the hotel before returning to Tana. This drive will take 12-14 hours with several breaks in-between.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Worship service

After breakfast at the hotel, we will go to a local English-speaking church for morning worship. After worship, we will head back to the hotel for lunch. In the afternoon you will be able to choose between resting at the hotel, taking part in addressing poverty, or returning to church for aftenoon church fellowship.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Souvenir shop

After breakfast at the hotel, you can choose between going to the market to shop for souvenirs before flying out, or resting at the hotel until it is time to leave in the late morning. After our Monday morning arrival in Chicago we will take the AU bus back to Andrews University.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Breakfast

COURSES (subject to change)

Meet with your advisor to discuss your choices:

Undergraduate choices (pick 2 + BHSC 378-041*):
  • INEN 309-041  The Implementation Tool Box   3 cr 
  • INEN 340-041  Topics : Social Innovation   3 cr
  • SOWK 475-041 - Topics: International Poverty   3 cr
  • SOCI 475-041 - Topics: Grantwriting   3 cr
  • *BHSC 378-041 Study Tour   0 cr (required - tour fee)
Graduate choices (pick 2 + CIDS 578-041**):
  • CIDS 535-041 Grant Writing   3 cr
  • CIDS 554-041 Poverty Analysis & Reduction Strategies Credits   3 cr
  • CIDS 575-041 Topic: Social Innovation   3 cr
  • SOWK 675-041 Topics: International Poverty   3 cr
  • **CIDS 578-041 Study Tour   0 cr  (required - tour fee)

NOTE: Please contact the CIDP office before registering and for more information.


Tentative Costs:
$9,810 = Undergraduate student
$8,790 = Graduate student
$3,900 = Community

Tentative Breakdown:
Graduate students: (6 credits of program tuition + general fee + tour fee)
Undergraduate students: (6 credits of full tuition + general fee + $700 tour fee)


Tutorial about the forms required.



March 15, 2025


Please fill out the form so we can keep you informed and help you with the next steps. 



Tour Organizer and MSCID Advisor
Joel Raveloharimisy
Marlena Maier
Call: 269.471.6538

Innovation Advisor
Matias Soto 
Joel Raveloharimisy

Social Work Advisor
Twyla Smith