Study Tour 2006
South America

'Habla Espanol?' The group of 40 students who traveled to Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay in May 2006 is sure to answer this question with 'si.' This bi-annual, 24-day tour not only gives Spanish majors, minors, and speakers the chance to earn six academic credits, but the opportunity to sharpen their language skills while experiencing Latin-American culture first-hand, whether through visiting museums, exploring the streets of Rio de Janeiro, or four-wheeling in the Amazon.

Voulez-vous apprendre une langue secondaire? Peut-être même une troisieme? Est-ce que vous rêvez d'habiter dans un pays exotique ou de voyager autour du monde? Want to know what this says? Each year students from Andrews and Adventist colleges across the country who answer yes to these questions dedicate a year of their college careers at Cologne or one of the nine other institutions around the globe that are part of the Adventist Colleges Abroad program, earning academic credit, invaluable language skills, and a broader worldview.