STEM Division
Nethery Hall 135
4141 Administration Dr
(269) 471-3872


Sept. 18–21, 2025

High school students are invited to join us for this on-campus STEM experience. Students will design, solve problems, connect with others, and be challenged. This weekend opportunity is recommended for junior and senior high school and homeschool students, although any high school students at any level are welcome. This year's theme is Space.

To kick off the experience, students can choose to participate in a 3D printing Workshop, Natural History Museum Tour, or exercising/swimming at the Andreason Center. On Friday, students will work in small groups to complete STEM lab challenges in areas of Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, and Sustainable Agriculture. A Science and Faith panel discussion of "The Universe and Creation" will include responses to student questions. Worship with us on Sabbath and experience life on campus. A Saturday night QuizBowl game show culminates the event.  Team prizes will be awarded based on percentages (1st place 100-90%, 2nd place 89-80%, 3rd place 79-70%), and scholarships will be given to all students who participate. 

STEM teachers and homeschool parents are encouraged to register a whole team(s) or individual students (3-5 students per team).

Cost: includes three night stay, eight meals, SciFest T-shirt, materials and resources created by Andrews Professors. See participant descriptions and pricing options below:

1. SA1 Participant*$194.02 per student and $148.02 per chaperone. 

  • Participant stays 3 nights in a hotel.  

2.SA2 Participant**: $153.86 per student and $107.00 per chaperone

  •  Participant stays 3 nights in a community space, and will need to bring own sleeping mat and bedding. Please do not bring air mattresses larger than twin size (students) or queen (sponsors). 

3. Day Participant: $86.86 per student and $40.86 per chaperone.

  • Participant stays off campus,  and only Thursday super, Friday lunch, Saturday super will be provided.  

Registration Deadline: Aug. 31, 2024

 Team Registration (Teachers)

Individual Registration (Students)


Important documents (Teachers & Students)

Scientists of Faith Posters (Teachers)


More Information

Do you have questions or need further information?

Please contact the STEM Coordinator at 269-252-4185 or via email at

*The following conferences will subsizide the hotel cost for student participants from their region, and a discounted rate will be applied:
Lake Union 
**If multiple teams select this option, the price may decrease and a discount rate will be applied. 


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