Coursework Credit Hours: 80 Credits
Practicum & Internship Credit Hours: 12 Credits
Dissertation: 14+ Credits
TOTAL: 106+ Credits
Comprehensive Exams: Required three-part exam (on-campus written exam, take-home exam, oral exam)
Internship: Required 2000 hour Internship
Dissertation: Required
Length of Program:
The length of each student’s program may vary based on prior transferable graduate coursework. A typical student, entering with a master’s degree which includes master's level internship, may be able to complete the doctoral coursework in 3+ years, dissertation in 1-2 years, followed by 2000 hours of supervised fieldwork internship. Only students able to attend full-time are accepted into the program. The Graduate Psychology & Counseling Department requires students to complete all degree requirements within seven years from beginning program.
Prerequisite Courses
The Ph.D. course requirements assume a prior master’s degree that includes graduate courses in the following areas. If courses in these areas have not been taken prior to admission, the indicated Andrews University course must be taken as part of the degree.
EDFN 500 - Philosophical Foundations for Professionals
GDPC 514 - Psychology of Learning
GDPC 635 - Theories and Techniques of Counseling
GDPC 638 - Group Processes
GDPC 640 - Multicultural Issues for Counselors and Psychologists
GDPC 650 - Practicum in Counseling
GDPC 676 - Theories of Personality
EDRM 505 - Research Methods
EDRM 611 - Applied Statistical Methods I
Residency Requirements
Counseling Psychology students are required to maintain active enrollment status during their program of studies, and complete a minimum of 3 full-time academic years of graduate study, with at least 2 of those years at Andrews University. At least 1 year must be in full-time residence (3-consecutive full-time semesters) at Andrews University.
Additional important information about being a doctoral student in the School of Education can be found in the SED Doctoral Handbook. Students are strongly encouraged to read this handbook carefully along with the University’s Academic Bulletin.
Areas of Emphasis
The Counseling Psychology curriculum allows students to choose between four areas of interest. Specialty emphases should be developed within a student's course plan in close consultation with their advisor to coincide with the student's dissertation topic. Additionally, each emphasis requires students to complete specified coursework, Advanced Emphasis practicum, and a dissertation topic related to chosen emphasis.
Please click on the link below to see courses required for each emphasis.
PhD Counseling Psychology
Master’s en Route
Students accepted into the PhD in Counseling Psychology, without a prior master’s degree in that field, are eligible to apply for the MS in Counseling Psychology and complete it en-route to their PhD. Completion of this degree along with additional supervised practicum hours allow students to apply for State of Michigan psychology licensure at the master’s level.
Comprehensive Exams
In addition to required coursework, practicum, internship, and the dissertation, all students must pass a three-part comprehensive exam within six years of their initial registration in the program. The program offers the exam three times each year in March, June, and October. Specific dates can be obtained from the Graduate Services Coordinator, or the department’s Administrative Assistant.
Eligibility to Apply for Internship
Students are required to complete a 2000-hour professional practice internship in a healthcare setting prior to graduation. In order to be eligible to apply though, students must have completed practicum, comprehensive exams, and received approval for their dissertation proposal.