Janet Ledesma

Janet Ledesma

Janet Ledesma

Title: Associate Dean and Professor
Educational Leadership Coordinator

Office Location: Bell Hall 174B
E-mail: jledesma@andrews.edu
Phone: (269) 471-6054


PhD, Andrews University, 2011
MAT, Andrews University, 1986
BS, Atlantic Union College, 1982


Janet was born in Brooklyn, New York and has been a principal in Seventh-day Adventist system of education for over 28 years. Janet has also taught at the elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels. She is the mother of two teenage children and has been happily married for 22 years.

Current Research or Professional Activities

Janet recently completed her PhD in Leadership. The topic of her dissertation was “NARRATIVES OF LONGEVITY FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS IN NORTH AMERICA: A MULTIPLE CASE STUDY”. Janet will be presenting her dissertation at the AERA session in Vancouver in the spring. Janet is passionate about Adventist school principals. Her research focuses are on networking, collaboration, mentoring, leadership development, and qualitative research methods.