The Higher Education Administration program adopts the Student Learning and Development Outcomes developed by the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS), as exemplified below.
Intellectual growth: Produces personal and educational goal statements; employs critical thinking in problem solving; uses complex information from a variety of sources including personal experience and observation to form a decision or opinion; obtains a degree; applies previously understood information and concepts to a new situation or setting; expresses appreciation for literature, the fine arts, mathematics, sciences, and social sciences.
Effective communication: Writes and speaks coherently and effectively; writes and speaks after reflection; able to influence others through writing, speaking or artistic expression; effectively articulates abstract ideas; uses appropriate syntax; makes presentations or gives performances.
Enhanced self-esteem: Shows self-respect and respect for others; initiates actions toward achievement of goals; takes reasonable risks; demonstrates assertive behavior; functions without need for constant reassurance from others.
Realistic self-appraisal: Articulates personal skills and abilities; makes decisions and acts in congruence with personal values; acknowledges personal strengths and weaknesses; articulates rationale for personal behavior; seeks feedback from others; learns from past experiences.
Clarified values: Articulates personal values; acts in congruence with personal values; makes decisions that reflect personal values; demonstrates willingness to scrutinize personal beliefs and values; identifies personal, work, and lifestyle values and explains how they influence decision-making.
Career choices: Articulates career choices based on assessment of interests, values, skills and abilities; documents knowledge, skills and accomplishments resulting from formal education, work experience, community service, and volunteer experiences; makes the connections between classroom and out-of-classroom learning; can construct a resume with clear job objectives and evidence of related knowledge, skills, and accomplishments; articulates the characteristics of a preferred work environment; comprehends the world of work; takes steps to initiate a job search or seek advanced education.
Leadership development: Articulates leadership philosophy or style; serves in a leadership position in a student organization; comprehends the dynamics of a group; exhibits democratic principles as a leader; exhibits ability to visualize a group purpose and desired outcomes.
Healthy behavior: Chooses behaviors and environments that promote health and reduce risk; articulate the relationship between health and wellness and accomplishing life long goals; exhibits behaviors that advance a healthy community.
Meaningful interpersonal relationships: Develops and maintains satisfying interpersonal relationships; establishes mutually rewarding relationships with friends and colleagues; listens to and considers others’ points of view; treats others with respect.
Independence: Exhibits self-reliant behaviors; functions autonomously; exhibits ability to function interdependently; accepts supervision as needed; manages time effectively.
Collaboration: Works cooperatively with others; seeks the involvement of others; seeks feedback from others; contributes to achievement of a group goal; exhibits effective listening skills.
Social responsibility: Understands and participates in relevant governance systems; understands, abides by, and participates in the development, maintenance, and/or orderly change of community, social, and legal standards or norms; appropriately challenges the unfair, unjust, or uncivil behavior of other individuals or groups; participates in service/volunteer activities.
Satisfying and productive lifestyles: Achieves balance between education, work and leisure time; articulates and meets goals for work, leisure and education; overcomes obstacles that hamper goal achievement; functions on the basis of personal identity, ethical, spiritual and moral values; articulates long-term goals and objectives.
Appreciating diversity: Understands one's own identity and culture; seeks involvement with people different from oneself; seeks involvement in diverse interests; articulates the advantages and challenges of a diverse society; challenges appropriately abusive use of stereotypes by others; understands the impact of diversity on one’s own society.
Spiritual awareness: Develops and articulates personal belief system; understands roles of spirituality in personal and group values and behaviors.
Personal and educational goals: Sets, articulates, and pursues individual goals; articulates personal and educational goals and objectives; uses personal and educational goals to guide decisions; understands the effect of one’s personal and education goals on others.