Global Leadership Institute


The Global Leadership Institute (GLI) at Andrews University is a collaborative leadership development initiative supported by the General Conference (GC) of Seventh-day Adventists. Our mission is to promote the integrative development of Adventist leaders. For this reason we created LeadLab – a learning laboratory to grow leaders for mission, to support their learning on the journey of being an Adventist leader.


The GLI offers the LeadLab, transformational learning experiences and resources to inspire, equip, and support administrative leaders and their teams to help them fulfill their God-given mission. The LeadLab has four distinct phases (see below). Work with the GLI team to grow growing leaders who grow growing leaders in your field. 

“This has been the most extraordinary journey for the last few months. This has been a rebuilding process for me. There were a few hits I took while working at the union level. This has helped me process that and, in a sense, to get back in the game. I am so grateful for the opportunity the division has given me, and so grateful for the skills and information the LeadLab has given me. I feel reclaimed as a leader, and the cause of God will be the one benefiting from that. Every day I am thankful for the GLI team and the opportunity to be in the LeadLab Growth Series.”

—LeadLab Growth Series Participant, South Pacific Division

“GLI has been so helpful. Each week there seems to be a compounding impact of all this information that is helping me become a spirit filled and more thoughtful leader. I am so grateful to the GLI team”

—LeadLab Growth Series Participant, South Pacific Division

“The LeadLab Growth Series has been such an incredible blessing to my ministry journey—both personally and professionally. The timeliness of these classes has been nothing short of a miracle. The content of today's presentation, and the rest of our sessions, have helped to bring so much clarity and insight to my ministry experiences. I have already learned so much. Thank you GLI for the time and commitment to this process.”

—LeadLab Growth Series Participant, South Pacific Division

GLI Team

Dr. Erich Baumgartner

Founding Director of the Global Leadership Institute

Dr. Randy Siebold

Associate Director of the Global Leadership Institute

Ramiro Quero

Global Leadership Institute Program Coordinator

Dr. Alayne Thorpe

Dr. Alayne Thorpe

AU Center for Leadership

Dr. Juan Prestol-Puesán

Dr. Juan R. Prestol-Puesán

GC Liaison

Joshua Muzira

Joshua Muzira

Graduate Assistant

Jungkil Son

Jungkil Son

Graduate Assistant

Edgar Escobar

Edgar Escobar

Graduate Assistant

Songhwa Chae

Songhwa Chae

Graduate Assistant


“Christ has said, 'Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.' That is the work we are to do, and God will help us by letting His light shine through us. We want to be the very best and most intelligent workers that there are anywhere.”


-Ellen White, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 23, 1888



Click on the email below to reach out to us for more information, collaboration, and to sign up for the LeadLab. 




(269) 471-3200