Mathematics & Environmental Science

The follow online classes, managed by Global Campus, are offered in interactive online asynchronous and self-paced formats.

Credits: 3

Description: Introduction to precalculus. Linear, quadratic, radical, and absolute value equations and inequalities; graphs of lines, parabolas, circles, ellipses and hyperbolas; composition and inverses of functions; transformations of graphs, symmetry; linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, and rational functions. Introduction to derivatives of polynomials. Applications to business and science, including interpretation of graphs and charts.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Prerequisite: Math Placement Exam score of P2 or higher (or equivalent), or MATH 165 or 166
Cost:  online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Credits: 4
Description:  Linear, quadratic, and absolute value equations and inequalities with applications; radical equations; polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, inverse, trigonometric functions; higher order equations; exponential and logarithmic equations; the unit circle, trigonometric identities and equations; Law of Sines and Cosines; vectors in the plane, polar coordinates and graphs; complex numbers and De Moivre’s Theorem; conic sections.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Prerequisite: Math Placement Exam score of P3 or higher (or equivalent), or MATH 165 or 166
Cost:  online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Credits: 3

Description: A data-driven study of basic descriptive and inferential statistics. Concepts such as null distributions, hypotheses, test statistics, and p-values are emphasized while applying standard statistical tests including logistic regression.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Prerequisite: Math Placement Exam score of P2 or higher (or equivalent), or MATH 165 or 166
Cost:  online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Credits: 4

Description: Study of basic ecological principles as applied to human activities. Discussions deal with contemporary environmental issues. Lab includes field trips, guest speakers, and experiments. Meets certain state educational certification requirements.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition or main campus tuition, (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.