Online Challenge Exams

One way to assess prior college-level learning is through comprehensive performance, written and/or oral examination.  Learn more about departmental exams here.

1. Gain approval

  • Seventh-day Adventist teachers who have a background in Adventist education may prove their competency and earn credit toward denominational certification through successful completion of exams. Request your union certification registrar to email approval, including your full name and the specific exams approved in the body of the email. 
  • Andrews University undergraduate degree students request their academic advisor email approval, including their full name and the specific exam approved. Note that credit by exam is not transferable, must be completed prior to the last registered semester, and challenge exams cannot be taken if the course has been or is currently being taken.

2. Request and take the exam. 

Complete the challenge exam request form online at this link. Follow instructions for approval. Be ready to pay the $200 exam administration fee, following directions after completing the form. Email if you have questions.

  • Challenge exams assume mastery of course outcomes. The registration confirmation email includes steps to pay online, how to activate your username, and where to access full review information.
  • Schedule the exam right away.  Wait to register until you can take the exam within 30 days. Exams are completed under the supervision of a proctor in a video conference with our Testing Center.  Schecule an exam proctoring appointment at this link
  • Take the exam online. There is one challenge exam per course, completed in one 2.5 hour session on a computer with internet access, audio and video. You will meet with a proctor through a zoom video conference. Read the email confirming your appointment to prepare for this session.

3. Pay the $171 recording fee for each passed exam.

  • If you pass, your grade report will include information on how to pay the recording fee, using the credit-by-exam form.
  • If you fail, plan to take the full course. Challenge exams cannot be repeated, and cannot be taken when you previously completed the course through any institution.

4. Request your transcript.  

  • Transcripts can be requested at, selecting Andrews University, then entering the person or organization to whom the official transcript is to be sent.
  • Current Andrews students will see the grade on their university academic record by the end of the semester in which they request credit recorded. A transcript request is only needed if moving to another institution or for employment elsewhere.
Challenge exam content:
  • an investigation of Paul as a person, pastor and theologian
  • a comprehensive study of the Pauline corpus and Paul’s theological influences on the development of early Christian theology
Outcomes assessed: 
  • Appreciate the apostle Paul as pastor, leader, evangelist, and theologian.
  • Trace Paul’s missionary journeys and his strategy of bringing the gospel to unreached peoples.
  • Understand the background to each of Paul’s letters.
  • Grasp Paul’s leading theological concerns as revealed in his letters.
  • Examine Paul’s manner of dealing with varied pastoral concerns.
  • Use passages from the Pauline letters in the preparation of expository sermons.
Textbook(s) to review:
  • Brunt, John C., and Douglas R. Clark. The New Testament. Vol. 2. Lanham, Md. [u.a.: Univ. of America, 1997. ISBN-13: 9780761806325
  • Hiebert, D. Edmond, An Introduction to the New Testament. Waynesboro, GA: Gabriel Pub., 2006. ISBN-13: 978-1-884543-74-6
  • White, Ellen Gould Harmon. The Acts of the Apostles: In the Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nampa, ID: Pacific, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0-8163-1919-0

Follow emailed instructions once you pay for a challenge exam to access a more comprehensive review. You will have 30 days to view this and take the exam.

Please note: this exam does not test all required for SDA history & heritage certification; it is not equivalent to RELH 400 required for current religion and theology majors.

Challenge exam content:
  • An investigation of Seventh-day Adventist church history with a preliminary review of
    backgrounds and foundations of the Advent message from apostolic times
  • Concentration on the church’s beginnings in America, the 1844 experience, history, organization, and development of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination in America and in the world
  • Special attention is given to the writings of the prophets, particularly Ellen G. White.
Outcomes assessed: 
  • Become familiar with the basic outline of Seventh-day Adventist history, including
    important individuals, events, and beliefs.
  • Understand the major trends and developments in Seventh-day Adventist history,
    particularly doctrinal and organizational development, worldwide expansion, and
    relationships with both the “outside” religious and secular world.
  • Identify the role that Ellen G. White played in shaping the institutional church and Adventist doctrine, including the relationship of Adventists to her writings since her death in 1915.
Textbook(s) to review:

Schwarz, Richard W., and Floyd Greenleaf. Light Bearers: A History of the Seventh-day
Adventist Church.
Nampa: Pacific Press, 2000. ISBN: 9780816317950.

Follow emailed instructions once you pay for a challenge exam to access a more comprehensive review. You will have 30 days to view this and take the exam.

Challenge exam content:
  • Defines and clarifies the Biblical doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist faith
  • Distinguishes the doctrines within the background of the Judeo-Christian tradition
Outcomes assessed: 
  • Know, understand and be able to analyse the way in which Christian churches develop
    and express their doctrinal beliefs
  • Be acquainted with and able to describe the biblical and theological foundation for the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
  • Understand and be able to position the doctrinal views of the Adventist Church in
    relation to core Christianity and to the various Christian churches and denominations
Textbook(s) to review:

Seventh-day Adventists Believe, 2nd ed.
Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Vol. 5
White, Ellen G. Acts of the Apostles
White, Ellen G. Counsels for the Church
White, Ellen G. The Desire of Ages
White, Ellen G. The Great Controversy
White, Ellen G. Patriarchs and Prophets
White, Ellen G. Selected Messages, Books 1 and 2
White, Ellen G. Steps to Christ

Follow emailed instructions once you pay for a challenge exam to access a more comprehensive review. You will have 30 days to view this and take the exam.

Challenge exam content:
  • How God confronts human beings—includes the process of revelation
  • Principles of interpreting Scripture and similarly inspired material
  • The nature of God and His expectations for humans
  • The evaluation of these concepts as presented in Scripture and the classic literature of various religions
Outcomes assessed:
  • Understand and internalize the meaning of God in one’s personal experience.
  • Understand how God expresses Himself by means of revelation, inspiration, and illumination.
  • Articulate the broad impact that the Trinitarian concept of God makes on human life and salvation.
  • Apply an understanding of God to such aspects of Christian living as vocational choice, interpersonal relationships, the use of money, and the stewardship of mind, body, and time.
Textbook(s) to review:

Rice, Richard (1997), Reign of God: An Introduction to Christian Theology (2nd Edition), Andrews University Press, ISBN: 978-1-883925-16-1

Follow emailed instructions once you pay for a challenge exam to access a more comprehensive review. You will have 30 days to view this and take the exam.

Challenge exam content:
  • A comprehensive study of the life and teachings of Jesus as unfolded in the four gospels
  • Analysis of the gospel writers and their writing in an attempt to reveal the impact of
    His Self-revelation on that age and ours
Outcomes assessed:
  • Introduce the life and teachings of Jesus at a level of sophistication appropriate to this point in your academic career.
  • Introduce college-level study of the Gospels, including several of the different ways this study might be approached.
  • Enhance understanding of the Gospels by increasing your knowledge of their
    geographical, historical, and social background.
  • Consider theological issues raised by the witness of the four Gospels to the founder and focus of the Christian religion.
Textbook(s) to review:

Strauss, Mark L. Four Portraits, One Jesus: an Introduction to Jesus and the Gospels. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2007. ISBN: 978-0310226970

Bible (NRSV, ASV, NIV, NKJV) A literal translation is preferred over against a paraphrased translation (NLT, GNB, CEV) for the purpose of this exam.

Follow emailed instructions once you pay for a challenge exam to access a more comprehensive review. You will have 30 days to view this and take the exam.

Challenge exam content:
  • Applying the principles of Christianity to the ethical issues of modern society.
Outcomes assessed:
  • Discuss the theory and practice of the Christian moral life and the centrality of the Bible as the source of its authority.
  • Develop skills in the use of Christian principles and values to analyze modern social and medical ethical issues.
  • Understand the moral standards of Christian morality and be motivated to live up to them.
Textbook(s) to review:

Barnette, Henlee H. Introducing Christian Ethics. Nashville: B & H Publishing Group, 1961.
ISBN: 9780805418583.

Follow emailed instructions once you pay for a challenge exam to access a more comprehensive review. You will have 30 days to view this and take the exam.

Challenge exam content:
  • A critical and exegetical study of the book of Daniel
  • A search for a deeper understanding of the prophecies of Daniel
  • An immersion in the text of Daniel, discovering its meaning and relevance for today. 
Outcomes assessed:
  • Be familiar with the prophecies of Daniel and their relevance for the Seventh-day
    Adventist Church today
  • Defend the Danielic authorship and historical reliability of the book
  • Understand the presuppositions of the different methods used in the interpretation of
    the book of Daniel
  • Gain an appreciation of the Seventh-day Adventist heritage of understanding the
    prophecies of Daniel
  • Evaluate the  scholarly research in the book of Daniel
  • Gain an understanding of the themes and the literary structure of the book of Daniel
Textbook(s) to review:
  • The New King James Bible
  • Maxwel, Mervyn (1981). God Cares, vol. 1 The Message of Daniel for You and Your Family. Pacific Press Publishing Association. ISBN-10: 0816303908
  • Shea William H. Selected Studies on Prophetic Interpretation, (Daniel & Revelation Committee Series) vol. 1, revised ed. Biblical Research Inst. (1992) ISBN-13: 978-0925675118
  • Holbrook, Frank B. Symposium on Daniel (Daniel & Revelation Committee Series) vol. 2 Biblical Research Inst. (1986) ISBN-13: 978-0925675019

Follow emailed instructions once you pay for a challenge exam to access a more comprehensive review. You will have 30 days to view this and take the exam.

Challenge exam content:
  • A study of the last book of the Bible and the most important prophecies in the New Testament.
  • Particular study is given to those prophecies that focus on the return of Christ.
What to know and be able to do:
  • See the relationship between Jesus' apocalyptic sermon on the Mount of Olives and the prophecies in the books of Daniel and Revelation
  • Distinguish between the sign that tells us when Jesus will return and the sign of the actual event
  • Understand the chiastic structure of the book of Revelation and to be able to identify the various prophecies in each step of the chiasm as well as their various subdivisions
  • Understand what "the revelation of Jesus" means
  • Understand the relationship between "the testimony of Jesus" and "the word of God" as these terms are used in Revelation 1
  • Identify "the Lord's day"
  • Understand that the messages to the seven churches of Revelation 2 and 3 have more than one application
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the message to the Laodicean church
  • Understand what the Greek word arche conveys in Revelation 3:14
  • Understand the central role played by the sanctuary in the presentation of the prophecies of Revelation
  • Understand the significance of each article of the sanctuary furniture as it is used in the introductory sanctuary scenes in Revelation
  • Consider the opening scene in the heavenly sanctuary as depicting the enthronement and inauguration of Jesus
  • Understand what happens on earth each time one of the seven seals is broken
  • Be able to distinguish between the several uses of the word "seal" in the New Testament
  • Understand the significance of the location of the prophecy of the seven trumpets within the historical half of the book of Revelation
  • Understand the meaning of the prophetic symbols used in the prophecy of the seven trumpets
  • Understand the significance of the angel's announcement of the end time
  • Understand the spiritual lesson taught by the historical cause/event relationships leading to the French Revolution
  • Consider Revelation 12-14 as a synopsis of the great controversy with emphasis on its closing conflict
  • Be aware of present events that are beginning to fulfill the predictions surrounding the closing conflict
  • Understand that the three angels' messages of Revelation 14 are God's final appeal and warning to the world
  • Be aware of the five reasons all Christians are obligated to keep the seventh day Sabbath
  • Understand the nature and reasons for the seven last plagues
  • Understand that the deliverance of God's ancient people from Egyptian bondage and Babylonian captivity are prophetic types for the battle of Armageddon and the deliverance of God's end-time people
  • Be aware of the experience of God's people during the plagues
  • Understand that Revelation 17:1 - 19:10 is an explanation of the sixth and seventh plagues
  • Understand that the battle of Armageddon will be fought in two phases
  • Be aware that the political powers that support Babylon will turn against it during the final conflict and destroy it
  • Be able to distinguish among the three interpretations of the millennium
  • Understand the chiastic structure of the millennium passage (Revelation 19:11-21:8)
  • Know the cosmic events that begin and end the millennium
  • Be aware of the parallels between the symbolic city of Babylon and the literal city of New Jerusalem
  • Appreciate what God has planned for those who love Him and serve Him

Textbook(s) to review:

  • Maxwell, Mervyn C., (1985) God Cares: The Message of Revelation for You and Your Family, Vol. 2, Pacific Press Publishing, ISBN: 978-0816306114
  • White, Ellen G., (2002) The Desire of Ages, Pacific Press Publishing ISBN: 978-0816319220
  • White, Ellen G., (2002) The Great Controversy, Pacific Press Publishing, ISBN: 978-0816319237
  • White, Ellen G., (2005) The Acts of the Apostles: In Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Pacific Press Publishing, ISBN: 978-0816319190

Follow emailed instructions once you pay for a challenge exam to access a more comprehensive review. You will have 30 days to view this and take the exam.

Challenge exam content:
  • A general study of major world religions and contemporary expressions of faith.
  • Special emphasis will be given to examining the various ways in which different religions react to moral dilemmas
  • How different religions implement their beliefs in a variety of worship styles and ethical lifestyles.
Outcomes assessed:
  • Discover ways in which religion lies at the foundation of culture.
  • Explore how religion shapes society’s values, providing working models to live by.
  • Learn to listen to and understand the diversity of the wisdom traditions.
  • Appreciate the rich multicultural backgrounds encountered in the workplace and on the larger scale of the global village.
  • Consider the underlying principles of your own belief system and how these principles influence your everyday life.
Textbook(s) to review:

Smith, Huston. The Illustrated World’s Religions: A Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions.
HarperOne; First Edition (August 18, 1995). ISBN-13: 9780060674403.

Follow emailed instructions once you pay for a challenge exam to access a more comprehensive review. You will have 30 days to view this and take the exam.

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