New applications are no longer being accepted for the Master of International Development Administration (MIDA) degree or its related Graduate Certificates.
Guest Student Option

Guest student status at Andrews University is for students holding a U.S. bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited by a validated accreditation body or its equivalent outside the U.S. The Guest Student status is especially designed to allow the enrollment of qualified students in special classes including workshops and guest students from other universities. Guest Student is a temporary enrollment designation, not an admission category.
Courses taken on Guest Student status generally do not count toward a graduate degree. However, after the student has been accepted into a graduate program, up to 8 graduate level credits may be applied by petition. Credits earned as a Guest Student may also be transferred to another university according to their policies for accepting such credits.
If you would like further details about enrolling in courses at an IDP off-campus intensive session as a Guest Student only, please contact