Ideas that Change the World


An Engineering degree from Andrews will give you many opportunities, preparing you for work in many different industries. You’ll learn how to design innovative ideas and make them happen. Learn more.


Computing degree from Andrews can help prepare you for one of today's fastest growing and versatile career fields.  You will receive the tools to be intuitive and solve problems in a dynamic way. Learn more.


In classrooms, research labs and beyond, our teachers and students research and explore world-changing ideas that rely on the tools, thinking and possiblities in the fields of engineering and computing. Learn more.

Future World Changers

Ready to meet other students who want to explore ideas that change the world? You can join in by posting on Instagram with the hashtag #iwillchangetheworldtoo, or on Engineering & Computer Science's Facebook wall ( After review, we'll share appropriate pictures in the gallery below.

World Changing Ideas