During this nerve inducing pandemic it has been increasingly clear that the coronavirus preys on the weak and those challenged with health issues. Now that Governor Whitmer announced that the reopening of gyms across Michigan, the Andreasen Wellness Center will be available for those eager to build their health. To learn more about the Wellness Center Reopening, I spoke with Interim Manager Rachel Keele.
According to Keele, the staff have been working endlessly to create an environment where people can be safe while working on becoming their healthiest selves. Keele stated “We have over 200 hours a week of employee power, cleaning the building and the facility. We have specialized equipment and chemicals that we use.” Gym members must also do their part to ensure everyone is protected.
Keele shared that, “… when people come in, they’ll get their temperature and show us the campus clear app and confirm that they have a reservation. We also have to make sure that everyone signs an additional waiver about COVID-19, specifically, so they understand that there is an increased risk of being there.” This waiver has been made available online for students to access. Other precautionary measures that will be enforced are the requirement of masks and social distancing of 10 feet apart when exercising.
Keele shared an interesting fact that “while running, one can leave particles up to 30 feet behind them.,” leading to the decision that the track should be “walking only” for the time being. In addition, the Healing Oasis, consisting of the Jacuzzi and Sauna, will remain closed. By adhering to these straightforward guidelines, the process of reopening will be smooth and seamless. Manager Keele also offered advice for students who want to incorporate exercise into their schedule during this time, advising “At the beginning of each week, look at your schedule, pick out a few days where you think you’ll have time to exercise. Choose what you want to do and just stick with it as much as possible. If something comes up, that’s okay, just adjust your schedule and pick another time.” It is evident that The Wellness Center is dedicated to encouraging students to make safe, and healthy decisions during this pandemic.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.