Which holiday is better, Christmas or Thanksgiving? Why do you think so?
Janelle An
(senior, biology)
I enjoy Christmas more than Thanksgiving because it's the holiday I get to spend with my family. For the past three years, I've spent Thanksgiving here on campus, and I'm really excited to be back at home for Thanksgiving.
Jake Knowlton
(senior, nursing)
When you think, "I love the holidays" what comes to your mind? Christmas! Christmas is a longer and more festive holiday season where we can gather with family, exchange gifts, and enjoy the town while engaging in the Christmas spirit! Christmas movies and music are also some of my favorite parts of the Christmas season, which do not exist for the Thanksgiving holiday season.
Lily Burke
(sophomore, anthropology, English)
If I must choose between Christmas and Thanksgiving, I pick Thanksgiving as my favorite. While I do think some elements of the folklore surrounding the holiday are problematic, I appreciate what Thanksgiving has come to mean for my family and me. In my family, we all typically spend the first part of Thanksgiving Day either accidentally incincerating or miraculously creating various favorite foods, such as homemade vegan turkey, which we enjoy together at a big family dinner in the early evening.
Sam Namkung
(sophomore, psychology)
Here are my reasons for why Christmas is better than Thanksgiving: One, we get a longer break for Christmas than we do for Thanksgiving. Two, Christmas music goes hard, I’ve never heard a Thanksgiving banger. Three, it’s really nice having the whole family around for Christmas.
Tyler Lee
(sophomore, business administration)
I would have to pick Christmas because I love being able to take the time and be with my family, especially during the holiday season.
Ethan Lee
(junior, biology)
I think Thanksgiving is better because it gives me the chance to see my family and eat good food.
Morgan Williams
(freshman, social work)
Christmas is better because it has all the elements of Thanksgiving but doesn’t celebrate the genocide of the Indigenous people. There is also more to look forward to with Christmas, such as the movies, music, festive food, and presents.
Zach Alignay
(freshman, biochemistry)
I really like Christmas because I usually get to spend time with family that I normally don't get to see. I also love the spirit of Christmas like the music, movies, and decorations.
Mathias Bruggemann
(sophomore, computer science, physics)
I prefer Christmas to Thanksgiving. Both of them involve family getting together and eating good food and such. At Christmas, however, at least with my family, we do more activities together, like sledding, road hockey, snowball fights, and I personally think that nothing can beat the Christmas season vibe leading up to the 25th, with the lights and the music and the general happiness.
Caleb Calliste
(freshman, mechanical engineering)
I think that Christmas is the better holiday. It has more attributed to it and it is emphasized more in society. It has better music, more deals, and is longer than Thanksgiving as it runs into New Year celebrations.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.