Who are some women that currently inspire you? Why?
What makes you proud to be a woman?
Caryn Cruz: Co-President
(junior, English)
Who are some women that currently inspire you? Why?
Many women who have been instrumental in shaping my personal growth, such as my mother, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, sisters, and friends, are my biggest inspirations. Due to their influence, I have learned how to navigate the world and feel more equipped to keep going. I’m thankful for their encouragement and the joy that they have brought into my life.
What makes you proud to be a woman?
I am proud to be a woman because of what we have overcome. We have persistently stood up for ourselves and the rights we deserve, which makes us stronger than most people realize. I love how women don’t have to fit inside a perfect mold and can just be themselves. Lastly, seeing many influential women (and young girls) in the past and present who have fought passionately for equal rights encourages me to do the same.
Karen García: Event Coordinator
(junior, pre-physical therapy)
Who are some women that currently inspire you? Why?
My mom is incredibly inspiring. She’s very blunt but also authentic. She’s my biggest supporter and also the one who humbles me the most. Besides my mom, I’d say AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) cause she’s pretty awesome. Other honorable mentions: Kamala Harris, Greta Thunberg, and my two sisters of course. Most women are pretty inspiring in one way or another.
What makes you proud to be a woman?
The community of women that have strived for better every day makes me proud to be a woman. Despite the obstacles that are structured into this world, women every day are succeeding--whether that’s in STEM, the arts, business, self-employment, being a parent, etc. I’m proud of every achievement a woman makes because it’s an achievement for women everywhere.
Jasmine Collard: Treasurer
(senior, pre-professional psychology)
Who are some women that currently inspire you? Why?
My mother, Michelle, because of her work ethic and amazing story of starting from the bottom and working hard to make her current life a reality. Also, she is such a powerful woman but she handles situations with such grace and humility; she is a great leader. Also, my mother-in-law, Denise, because of her generous and loving heart, her undying love for Christ, and her ability to make those around her feel heard and cared for! Finally, Dr. Angela Duckworth, because of her research on grit and self-control in relation to academic success. Her research is a great tool for all communities!
What makes you proud to be a woman?
I am proud to be a woman today because we have a voice, we’re recognized and our growth is limitless.
Autumn Goodman: Co-President and Graphic Designer
(senior, photography)
Who are some women that currently inspire you? Why?
Currently, I am inspired by Meghan Markle and her willingness to go against the grain and stand up for what she knows to be right. Her continued support for her husband and her children is inspiring despite the odds. I appreciate her courage to speak out against an unfair system that is centuries in the making and bringing a new perspective.
What makes you proud to be a woman?
I am proud of the community we, as women, have. More recently I have felt this sense of community in unspoken “girl codes” which make it easier to keep one another safe, uplifted, and encouraged. Only women know the struggles other women experience as women so it is extremely comforting to me to know that women are supporting women. I am proud of the adversities we have overcome and the odds we have defied. Women can do anything, and that makes me proud.
Reba Perkins: Secretary
(senior, nursing)
Who are some women that currently inspire you? Why?
My mother. Her strength is something I admire because of her ability to endure through almost anything.
What makes you proud to be a woman?
Our tenacity and willingness to never give up.
Angelina Malcolm: Co-Event Coordinator
(senior, international business)
Who are some women that currently inspire you? Why?
My mom is my forever inspiration. She taught me about strength and perseverance, to never give up, and to always overcome adversity no matter the obstacle in front of me. Another person who has recently inspired me is Meghan Markle, who showed so much grace and courage to speak her truth regardless of what anyone had to say. That empowers me to speak out against discrimination and racism when confronted with it.
What makes you proud to be a woman?
The fact that we are so much more than what people think we are. We are powerful human beings. What I am most proud of is our resilience, because as women we are at a disadvantage, and as black women even more of a disadvantage. But we don’t ever let that stop us from our goals and aspirations. We continue to break down systemic barriers and fight for the equality that we know we deserve.
Emerson McCain: Male Representative
(sophomore, sustainable horticulture)
Who are some women that currently inspire you? Why?
My mom. She’s the strongest woman I know and an inspiration to all her children. Even in the toughest of times she’ll still be smiling and trying to keep everyone’s spirits high. She is truly an amazing lady.
Jocelyne Rico: Public Relations
(junior, speech pathology and Spanish)
Who are some women that currently inspire you? Why?
Some women that currently inspire me would have to be Frida Kahlo, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Frida Kahlo has always inspired me because she used art as a way to express herself and every painting she made told a different story about her life. Ruth Bader Ginsburg because she was an advocate for gender equality and women’s rights, and lastly, AOC, because she is a huge advocate for issues that affect minorities.
What makes you proud to be a woman?
That we are powerful, fearless and we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. We have changed the world in so many ways and we will continue to do so.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.