The Andrews University Student Association (AUSA) Senate is a legislative body comprised of elected students. Senators each represent a certain district, based on dorm, floor, and cardinal direction. The Senator-at-large does not have a district and, therefore, represents all students. The Senate makes decisions about a variety of things in an effort to benefit Andrews University students. Additionally, they approve AUSA’s budget every year. AUSA Executive Vice President T. Bruggemann (junior, computer science and physics) said, “Currently we are working on evaluating the spirit grants. [Spirit grants] are where clubs can request money from the AUSA and, by extension, the Senate. They are for projects that help the student body, such as cultural events.” Clubs submit video proposals to the Senate stating why they are requesting money and how it will be used. Then, the Senate watches these video proposals and decides whom they will give money to, as well as the amount.
The Senate can use their remaining money on Senate projects. Executive Vice President Bruggemann explained, “After that, we will be working on Senate projects where Senators work on projects which benefit the school in some way. For example, last year the Senate got extra lights installed on campus to brighten it up.” Senator Ralph Gifford (freshman, explore Andrews) shared a little about a project he hopes to work on: “I’ve noticed lots of problems with bikes - ones chained up and bike racks that do not work. So, that is one project I am working on.” Additionally, Senator Sion Kim (sophomore, medical laboratory science) said, “As a group, Zach Alignay, Aiko Ayala, and I will work to provide more and better study spaces on campus for students to have a quality studying time for longer hours and also during the weekend.” Senator-at-large Karenna Lee (sophomore, English) stated, “I’m working on a project to get more recycling bins around campus. Basically, [the] Senate is here to improve the experience of the student body and act as a voice for the students. So, with something like the recycling bin project, we are trying to do practical things that will make life at Andrews better.”
Overall, the main focus of the Senate is to make Andrews University a better place for students to live and study. Senator Gifford noted, “We’re trying to fix problems. We see lots of problems on campus, and I think a lot of people want to make things better as a whole.” Similarly, Executive Vice President Bruggemann commented, “We are working on improving the Andrews campus.” Whether through financial support for clubs’ events or changes around campus, the Senate works to make Andrews University students feel happy, safe, and welcome–to make our campus a home away from home. Reach out to your district Senator or the Senator-at-large if you have ideas for improving student life. In the words of Senator-at-large Karenna Lee, “We’re always open to hearing what you guys would like to see happen.”
Here is a list of all Andrews University Senators with their corresponding district:
- Sion Kim
- Kiheon Chung
- Gianna Bacchiocchi
- Jeff Gehring
Distance Learning:
- Ezra Otieno
University Towers:
- Konnie Prohaska
Lamson Hall:
- Allana Benjamin Basement
- Nicole Boddeti First Floor
- Jhoana Mortera Second East
- Abigail Lee Second West
- Aiko Ayala Rios Third East
- Yunji Song Third West
Meier Hall:
- Andrew Rappette First East
- Blaise Muhune First West
- Abraham Bravo Second East
- Gakiza Nkulikiyimana Second West
- Ralph Gifford Third East
- Zachary Alignay Third West
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.