As the semester nears its end, we all need to take time to reflect on the things we have accomplished, enjoyed, and how far we have come this semester. I sat down with Brandon Alvarez (sophomore, business) to discuss his reflections from this semester and hopes for the future.
What has been your favorite part of this semester so far?
My favorite part of this semester has been the integration of people. Coming to college last year in the wake of a worldwide pandemic, I knew that my college experience was going to be out of the ordinary. However, I did not know the extent to which it would be affected until this semester. Last year there were events on campus, but you weren’t able to see a big group of people having the time of their lives like you were able to this year. Two prime examples of this were during the Noche Latina and Alumni Weekend Impact events. Whether it was learning new dance moves to Marc Anthony’s “Vivir Mi Vida” or singing Phil Thompson’s “My Worship” at the top of your lungs, you could feel the energy in the place. This energy was so evident because everybody was present. Present in the sense that each and every person was completely engaged–something that is very rare. This type of energy is something that just builds off of itself, to the point where nobody is thinking about the troubles of their semester or the complications of life.
What is your favorite class you are taking this semester, and why?
My favorite class is Organic Chemistry. It’s probably the class I struggle with the most, but it’s definitely the class I find the most rewarding. When you finally get a concept and can apply it to a new situation after trying so long just to even understand it, you feel this overwhelming sense of relief. It’s like God is saying, “Don’t worry. I got this, and you do too.” Even when I don’t get it, I know that one day I will.
Did you try anything new this semester? What did you learn from it?
I know I’m going to sound like a heathen when I say this, but this semester was the first time I have ever tried sushi (Sushi Garden for the win!). The second time I had sushi was at the cafe, so you know how that went. Interestingly enough, I really like sushi! I’m not the biggest fan of fish, but the sweet potato tempura rolls hit on another level. As a result of getting out of my comfort zone and trying something new, I learned that you never know you will like something until you give it a shot.
What did you struggle with this semester? What was the silver lining that motivated you to keep going?
I feel like the biggest challenge this semester was time management. Twenty-four hours in a day is not nearly enough time to complete all your assignments, eat, work, exercise, spend time with friends, be a part of clubs, study, think, and the list goes on. Even with the breaks, you still feel like you’re behind and should be doing something productive. It is just so difficult to take a breather. However, little things like the sun coming out in the middle of a gloomy week or starting a Bible plan with a friend really helped me find the motivation to get through this difficult semester and finish it strong. You didn’t work this hard all semester just to give up now, so push through!
Overall, how do you feel about this semester?
This semester was a new experience that brought a lot of difficulties, but also brought a lot of joy. Even though sometimes I might think, “I should’ve gone out with friends that one time” or “I think I should’ve stayed and studied,” I know that if I go back and change things, I could’ve missed out on other opportunities. For this reason, I’m content. No regrets.
What is your hope for the spring semester?
My hope for the spring semester is 67° weather. Just kidding, I know Michigan is not that kind. In reality, I hope that I’m able to make time for the things I want, and not just let time pass without having any control over it. Instead of spending time on my phone, I can use that time to nap, read a book, study, go outside, play volleyball, or FaceTime a friend back home. There are endless possibilities of the things you can do when you intentionally decide what to do with your time. I hope next semester I can take my own advice.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.