As the semester nears its end, we should all take time to reflect on the things we have accomplished, enjoyed, and how far we have come this semester. I sat down with Ian Freed (sophomore, business management) to discuss his reflections from this semester and his hopes for the future.
What were some of your favorite memories from this semester?
My favorite memory was the meet and greet for the SASA club. This was the first time that I actually got involved in something outside of class and was able to meet a good amount of people. I never really joined clubs before and this was a really good experience, because being a community student, it’s a little bit more difficult to meet people and do things outside of class. Apart from meeting new people I really enjoyed having access to the Wellness Center. It’s always a great atmosphere there and working out with friends are some of my favorite memories here too.
What was your favorite class, and why?
My favorite class was probably Foundations of Info Tech. I found it fairly easy and it was cool to learn how to use so many different programs in the labs as well. I’ve known about programs like Excel for a long time but never really knew how to use them, so it was useful in real life. I have been using some of the features from these programs in other classes.
What are some things that went well this semester, and what are some things that didn't work out too well?
Some things that went well were classes and my social life. Throughout the semester I was able to get my GPA up and I started to make friends. Like I said earlier, it’s sometimes difficult to meet people as a community student so I’m very happy things have gotten better in that aspect. I actually can’t really think of anything that didn’t go too well. Although this is my second year at Andrews, it is my first on campus and the whole thing has been a learning experience.
What is something new you tried this semester?
Something new I tried this semester was the Pulse groups for chapel. I did have chapels when I went to a Christian school in junior high, but it wasn’t very personal, and unless you were doing music or something like that it was hard to get involved, but these Pulse groups made the experience more personal.
What is something new you learned about yourself while being at AU this semester?
I learned that I am in control of how I want a place or situation to affect me. I wasn’t sold on Andrews at first, but throughout the semester I realized that this place is what you make it and I have to put effort into it as well. Similarly, when it comes to meeting new people and growing a social network, I need to put myself out there and show effort as well, because when I show effort, other people do too.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.