According to an article written by the Pew Research Center, online dating has surged in the past two decades. The multimillion dollar industry has completely transformed the way its users develop and navigate relationships. We have seen the effect with common dating apps such as Tinder, Dating.com, and Christian Mingle. In a recent forum about the dating scene at our own Andrews University, a student expressed concerns about the campus not having sufficient opportunities for individuals looking to explore dating opportunities here on campus. In response to these concerns, the AU administration decided to take active steps in improving the dating scene on campus by developing a dating app exclusive to Andrews University: AUlovelink. On this app, students will be able to connect with like-minded individuals on campus and have the opportunity to develop grounded romantic relationships. I had the opportunity of interviewing the app’s developer, Yemmit Odaud, about what we can expect from this app:
What is your background in app development?
I have been a very integral developer in a lot of famous apps, such as Bumble, Instagram, Apple Music, Spotify, and Hinge. I went to the University of Oregon for four years and got my bachelor’s in computer science.
Why did you choose the Andrews University campus to invest your time and money?
I grew up Adventist and always saw the problems that arose in the dating world, ever since the fifth grade. I would carry armfuls of folding chairs after high school chapels, would text my crush 'Happy Sabbath' with TWO exclamation points, but still it took me decades to find my Sabbath-afternoon-walk partner. I was so desperate, I even considered attending Southern. I swore to myself, during those dark, dark days, that I would come back to the church in some way to develop an app to enhance the Adventist dating experience.
What separates this app from all the others that are already out there?
This app is different because, instead of seeing pictures initially, you see information about the person first. So you see things like deal breakers, Gazebo orders, political leanings, whether you go to New Life or One Place for Sabbath worship, or if you believe that Dwight Nelson is the best pastor in the world or not. There is even a special filter for seminarians (or others) to filter out anyone who isn’t a nursing or education major.
When can we expect to see the app debut?
We have a soft launch planned to test the market with some AU students to see how they like it. Then, we plan on going campus-wide and marketing the app to everybody who is interested. To encourage potential love-birds to get over their nerves, the first couple to match on the app will receive a gift card for two first-date decaf coffees at Revive Coffee, followed by two front row seats to Proximity Vespers. The expected release time is fall semester 2022.
Disclaimer: This article is satire. Happy April Fools!
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.