This week, I got the chance to sit down with Matthew Shelton (senior, marketing). He’s agreed to give us an inside look at what life for him will be like after school, and some of his plans and goals he has set for the near future to come.
Graduation is around the corner, do you have any plans afterwards?
Well, now I get to go and be a full-time adult. I have a wedding to go to in the early summer, then I am starting full-time work and full-time adulting.
Do you have any fun or exciting plans for the summer?
I think the entire summer is going to be exciting. Between the wedding and moving out, this summer is going to be a long one, but very well worth the wait. And my most exciting plan for the summer will be not returning to AU.
What were some of your favorite memories while at Andrews?
One of my favorite memories was the polar vortex we had my freshman year. Since this was before Zoom was popular, we had a few days off from school, and my friends and I just goofed around the entire time. Other memories include any time I went to Chicago and the almost daily beach trips when the weather was nice.
What are you going to miss most from Andrews?
I always believed Andrews is the nicest place to be when we first get to school in August. Between the warm weather and all the people walking around campus, the grounds feel lively and everyone is happy to be there. I will also miss the intramurals here; it was so much fun to formulate a team with the homies and go out there and be competitive in sports.
Is there any advice that you have for other students?
My go-to saying in life that I think will resonate best is, “this too shall pass.” If you think that you are sinking with due dates and everything else, it’ll pass and you will be fine. Just stay on top of it all, and in your senior year, you’ll realize you are closer than ever to getting done.
What do you think you learned most about yourself while being at Andrews?
I learned that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. If you put in the time and effort that you need to, it will pay off in whatever you do.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.