News flash: you actually don’t need to know, but let’s talk about chameleons for a second. If you’re like me, you’ve believed that chameleons change color in order to camouflage with their environment . . . a reasonable assumption. However, we have been lied to. Chameleons do not change color to blend in with their surroundings, rather, they change color in reaction to factors such as light, communication with other chameleons, and mood. A color change also shows that chameleons are absorbing or reflecting the current temperature; for instance, turning a bright color to reflect the sun’s rays or turning into a darker color in colder temperatures to absorb extra heat. In essence, these creatures’ fascinating abilities allow them to adapt to their current conditions, making themselves “more at home,” if you will.
The American Psychological Association defines adaptability as a person’s capacity to respond appropriately to already changed or changing situations, as well as one’s ability to adjust his or her behavior to meet various circumstances or people. If you so choose to love yourself by increasing your adaptability, a plethora of benefits are sure to follow. Primarily, you’ll be a happier, more satisfied individual, not to mention how much faster you’ll be able to bounce back from life’s adversity. Likewise, your ability to adapt will make you more valuable in certain spaces, especially in the workplace, as those around you become aware of your creativity and proactiveness. Not to be dramatic, but this skill of adaptability might be a matter of life and death.
Now, back to the four-legged reptiles. Based on science, it would appear that chameleons don’t know the extent to which they will need to adapt prior to being in a certain environment. However, once in the position, instinct kicks in, and they shift accordingly. Reader, you may currently be in a space of chronic doubt, paired perfectly with a wave of unanswered questions. You may even kid yourself into losing interest in your passion from over-examining the path ahead. I myself have spiraled while thinking of the journey to pursuing my PsyD. “Do I really have the stamina to become a doctor of psychology? Can I stand being a student in academia for so many more years? How will I know it’s worth it? Will I quit mid-way? What if it’s not as fulfilling as I thought it would be? Am I even smart enough?” Amidst the spiral, something my mum would say to me is, “Evin, you’re not getting your PsyD tomorrow. You don’t need to feel pressured to make a decision at this moment that the future you will be more equipped to handle when the time comes.” Few things have been more reassuring to me than this motherly advice.
Friend, I would seriously implore you to relax. You’ll be ready when you get there, I promise. Whoever told you that you need to have ‘xyz’ all figured out by a certain time was more than likely projecting their insecurities about their own journey onto yours. It had nothing to do with you. This is your sign that you’re actually right on schedule and that you will end up where you’re meant to be. Not only is it okay for you not to know how you’ll get to where you want to go, but you’re also not supposed to know! If you did, you might honestly get in your own way. Just as God gave the chameleon the instincts to adapt in response to its environment, He has given you the same ability, ten-fold. Won’t you stop holding your breath and trust that the future version of you will always be ready for the next step? Just wait and see.
Adaptability: A key capacity whose time has come (2017). Australian Psychological Society.
How Do Chameleons Change Colors? (2022). All Things Nature.
Why Adaptability is Important in Helping You Manage Change (2022). ERMA.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.