Berrien Springs has a plethora of Adventist churches. Every Sabbath morning, you have the option to go to one of the four churches on campus, but did you know that there are more churches off campus? I’ll be your guide to 6 of these amazing churches to help you expand your church-going experience.
All Nations Seventh-day Adventist Church
I spoke to a frequent attendee of All Nations church, Mrs. Braswell, who says that All Nations is a family-friendly, down-to-earth congregation that is very intentional about being inclusive. Kids, youth, seniors, males, females, and different nationalities typically all have a part in any given service. Sadly, though, the congregation is now composed mostly of older adults—seniors and middle-aged couples with young adult children. However, there are several families with small children, too. The music is also one of the most compelling parts of the service. They play lots of gospel music and occasionally sing songs in different languages, like Swahili. They currently have monthly potlucks, including lots of delicious West Indian and African food.
Michiana Fil-Am Seventh-day Adventist Church
Fil-Am is a church that feels like home. The service leans more traditional in its program and music. There are definitely more hymns, rather than contemporary music, but that's what makes it feel so familiar and warm. Every age group is represented and is involved in the service. Everyone is very welcoming, and after the service, there is a potluck full of good Filipino food! Also, AFIA is hosting a Sabbath at Fil-Am on November 12 if you would like to come out and visit the church!
Living Word Fellowship SDA Church
LSF is a tightly knit church. Anyone who visits says that they feel LSF is its own community, where you are familiar with everyone and create lasting bonds. Since the church is a smaller one, you can really connect with the pastor and those around you. Worship is more catered to you as a person, which makes it feel way more personal. The congregation is mostly comprised of Korean college students. Additionally, LSF hosts various events outside of church, allowing you to get to know the people you worship with. Claire Yang (freshman, psychology and music) says, “I think one of my favorite parts about LSF is the community that we have, and how it almost feels like a family.”
Michiana African Seventh-day Adventist Church (MASDAC)
Growing up, MASDAC was a home church for me. It is a multicultural African-based church led by people from around the world. It is a very welcoming and friendly church that has a fulfilling service that compliments and includes different cultures in every aspect. The congregation is of mostly African and Caribbean descent. MASDAC’s music department is very involved as well. They have a choir and praise team, and the songs they sing are from a wide range of cultures. They sing everything from Christian Contemporary Music, to hymns, to multilingual cultural songs. The congregation consists mostly of older adults and parents but it is still an enriching environment for anyone to worship. MASDAC is intentional with their worship, weekly Bible studies, and prayer meetings. Furthermore, they have a potluck every Sabbath except for the last Saturday of the month.
Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día de Berrien Springs
The Spanish Adventist church in Berrien springs is known for its family-oriented worship. The members feel this way because of its familiarity, and how they treat all newcomers like family. The church is multilingual, and their songs are in English and Spanish. Natalia Poloche (freshman, nutrition) says, “I would say my favorite thing about the Spanish church is how everyone sings during worship.” They occasionally bring in English speakers, but there is typically a native Spanish speaker preaching. It is a good environment for anyone learning Spanish or trying to improve it. If you are someone who does not understand Spanish, you are given a small radio with an earpiece for translation. Overall, this church is a warm environment that is focused on worshiping fully.
Village Seventh-day Adventist Church
Village Church is a friendly, down-to-earth, relatable, open environment meant for everyone. Many members say that they feel closer to God after worshiping there. It is a church that prioritizes service and helping others. It is more on the traditional side of worship, with mostly older/middle-aged members with children, but still inviting to the youth!
Opening your horizons and trying a new worship environment could be deeply enriching, especially with the number of opportunities in Berrien Springs. I hope reading about these local churches gave you an idea of where you might want to visit and experience a new encounter with God!
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.