Is it a corporate scam? A day to celebrate love? Valentine’s day has sparked discourse in recent years because of the emphasis that we put on monetary gifts and consumerism, but there are just as many people who say we should take advantage of this day to think about our loving relationship with friends and family. I asked Andrews students to share their own hottest takes about Valentine’s Day to give us a look into different opinions on this somewhat controversial holiday.
Scam. Everything is overpriced. I do like seeing everyone’s Valentines fits.
Abigail Kim (senior, psychology)
I love it, I love the colors. Is it a capitalist contrived sham to make people feel lonely and encourage empty headed consumerism? Yes. But I’m an empty headed consumer and I love pretty pretty colors and hearts and candy. And you know what? Maybe I am lonely, but in a fun way. In a fun, sexy way. In a, “single in my 20s,” feeling myself, a flirty fantasy kind of way. So Happy Valentine's Day, my fellow lonely lovesick losers.
Reagan McCain (sophomore, history)
I kind of pretend it doesn't exist. I woke up and didn't realize it was Valentine's Day because it was a Tuesday and I had a 7:30 class, so I was really out of it, and then I got curious to see all the couples on Instagram. For me it’s a day of data where you can compile information about people—who's announcing they're dating, who's not, things like that.
Lauren Butler (senior, biology and Spanish)
People are too overactive about it. They think it's a big deal, like a national holiday. But Koreans don't. I still like it though.
Belinda Mun (senior, business)
It’s fun with the girlies but all the couples are cringe and should get a life. Couples should also be limited to the amount of times they can post about their relationship. I love the color scheme of Valentine’s Day and the deals you can get at Applebee’s though.
Uccitly Caballero (senior, psychology and French)
I mean it's fine, I guess. Valentine's Day is cute but kind of overrated because… I don't know. Why should you have a special day when every day could be special? I have a girlfriend and I love her every day, not just on Valentine's Day.
Braeden Peterson (sophomore, engineering)
I love Valentine's day. I love any excuse to celebrate love.
Valerie Akinyi (senior, political science and public health)
I think Valentine’s day has just become a consumer holiday. People spend so much money on dates, gifts, etc. and although it's nice to think about love, spending that much money on a holiday makes it a moot point, I think.
Skylor Stark (freshman, secondary education)
I don't know. I've never gotten or given a Valentine.
Tony Choi (junior, psychology)
I hate it when I'm single; I love it when I'm not.
Shawn Dewitt (senior, psychology)
It's good. I think it's cute, and sometimes you can't explain why. It's just cute.
Taehyun Lee (senior, biology)
I'm neutral on it. It's just another holiday that people can have an excuse to celebrate for, and for businesses to have an excuse to make money.
Zoe Shiu (senior, music)
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.