Here we are again with another look into some fun things people do on campus. Today, we will observe what people like to do at the Andreasen Center for Wellness. This is the newest facility our campus houses and it is the hub for all things wellness. It is one of the first buildings you encounter when you drive through the main entrance of Andrews University. With its big glass windows, this building promotes the entry of light (which has many benefits). These windows are a tantalizing reminder to spend some time outside and get your daily vitamin D. But what goes on inside this modern building? Let’s find out!
One of the first things you may notice when you enter the Wellness Center are the big glass doors and windows. What could people be doing on the other side of this barrier? Here is where we can see exercise equipment galore. Downstairs you see weights, lifting benches, and other things to help work on your muscles. Upstairs you can find treadmills, a walking track, exercise balls, and much more. Javan Knowlton (sophomore, business administration) said, “I love doing compound lifts such as squats, bench, or deadlift.” These are all everyday observations from the people who work out, mainly downstairs. Sarah Aguirre (freshman, nutrition) said, “I alternate between push and pull exercises that target different muscle groups. I enjoy the gym because it encourages me to work hard and push myself beyond what I think I am capable of.”
But exercise equipment is not the only thing the Wellness Center offers. You can find a serene experience if you continue further behind the glass wall. There is a dry sauna, a wet sauna, a hot tub, and a pool, which can be used for leisurely swimming or laps. There is also an outdoor area to shock your body in the cold Michigan weather. Javan continued, “After my workouts, I usually go to the wet sauna to help my body recover. Then I usually walk outside and cool off and then relax in the hot tub. The sauna is one of my favorite features because you can go there to warm up from the cold weather or even hang out with friends.” For someone like myself who does not do heavy workouts, this area of the Wellness Center is a great place to exercise your legs and strengthen and relax your muscles. You can find me here on most Thursdays.
Sure, there is a lot of physical equipment and things to interact with. But as I talked with Reagan Westerman (freshman, psychology), she told me about the community and feeling the Wellness Center creates. She said, “You see the same people, and you expect those same people to be there when you are. You don’t talk to them, but you expect to see them. There are certain people that I see that make me know it’s going to be a great workout day!” She went on to say, “even though there are no judgments in the gym, I still like to make it look like I know what I am doing, even when I may not know. It helps me feel like I push myself more.” This was an interesting perspective that really defines what the Wellness Center means to the community here at Andrews University and outside of our campus.
We have already discussed many of the great things you can find at the Wellness Center. But you know what else it has? Classes! The classes offered include aerobics, Zumba, pilates, stationary bike, and other exciting and physically driven classes. As far as the graded classes, Dave Casejo (senior, exercise science) said, “As an exercise science major, I spend a lot, if not most, of my time here. It is quite fortunate to have most of my classes in the newest building on campus! Even if you don’t take a class, there is something for everyone to enjoy.” When I took Well-Being 360 in one of the classrooms, I could see how all aspects of the Wellness Center are designed for the well-being of students, from the crystal clear windows to the well-placed chairs.
To conclude the Wellness Center Happenings, my experience, and the experiences of everyone I have spoken to have been overwhelmingly positive, and I hope this has given you the inspiration to check out the Wellness Center for yourself! Don’t forget to stay hydrated, get lots of exercise, and get lots of vitamin D. Stay well, everyone!
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.