Have you ever wished you could fly? There’s something about the ability to soar above the ground that infatuates many of us. That’s part of what makes roller coasters with steep drops and extreme sports so appealing to the crowds that take part. On a related note, have you ever wanted to change up your workout plan to include something unique and fun, but are unsure what you should add to make the change? What if I told you that there is a way you can kill two birds with one stone and feel like you are flying while you work out? Today we are going to get to know Rachel Keele, director of the Andreasen Center for Wellness, and she is going to tell us about how that may be possible.
Why is fitness important to you?
Fitness did not become a priority to me until my mid-twenties. A few years later, I had a stroke and multiple doctors told me that the reason I would fully recover was because of how healthy and fit I was. So in that way, fitness saved my life, or at least prevented a very different outcome.
Why do you think fitness should be important to the university?
Everything about our well-being is interconnected. Aside from the physical health benefits, improving our fitness consequently improves our brain function, our mood, how we relate with others etc. If Andrews cares about producing graduates that are capable of changing the world, they have to care about the physical health of their students.
Speaking of fitness, I’ve heard there is a new bungee fitness class at the Andreasen Center! Could you tell us a little bit about what the class is?
Absolutely! In the Soar Bungee Fitness class, you wear a harness that is connected to bungee cords that are fastened to the ceiling. This system provides resistance for the movements you do on the ground, so it creates an environment where you can perform “high intensity” movements, like burpees, jumping jacks, squats, etc. with “low impact” to the joints. But the bungees also enable you to “fly” off the ground, which is very fun!
When did you first hear about bungee as a low-impact method for exercising?
I started seeing this type of workout online a couple of years ago. Last year we decided we really needed to bring something like this to the Center, not just because of how fun and unique it was, but because it enabled people that needed low-impact exercise (due to injury or disability) to do movements they wouldn’t normally be able to.
How has teaching this unique class added to your journey as a fitness instructor?
I tend to get bored really quickly, so this has provided something new for me to enjoy. But I’m in the process of learning too! It’s been a good challenge to teach people a new skill and learn how to adapt it for each individual.
What value do you think such a class offers to gym members at Andreasen Center for Wellness?
Like I mentioned, this is a great opportunity for those that need low-impact movement. We’ve had people in class that are exercising again for the first time in several years, which is really exciting. Consistency is arguably the most important aspect of a fitness journey, and the only way for most people to develop that is by doing something they enjoy. I don’t expect everyone to enjoy bungee fitness, but I do think there’s a lot of people that have WAY more fun doing this than any other sort of workout they’ve done before.
Why should people try out this new fitness class?
First, I have to acknowledge that it’s still very hard to get into the class, and I’m sorry about that! We only have eight stations available, and because I’m the only certified instructor at the moment, the five classes a week don’t provide a lot of opportunity for everyone. But the rest of our bungee cords just shipped! So we will have a total of eleven stations soon. Plus, two more instructors will be certified so we will be able to add more classes to the schedule when that happens. I’m a big believer in trying new things and challenging yourself. Even if you think it’s something that might be scary, uncomfortable, or just not your style, try it once! You might be surprised at how much you enjoy it.
Bungee fitness is a type of aerial workout that, as mentioned above, is low-impact, which makes it a valid workout option for most people who are privileged to be near a gym that offers the class. Sources vary on where the practice originated, but most people seem to believe it was invented somewhere in Thailand before being adopted by gyms in other countries. Although bungee fitness has gained popularity over the years, it is still uncommon to find a location that offers it as a fitness class. Even among those locations that do offer it, the activity requires a lot of equipment, and class sizes are often on the small side. This can make it difficult for interested individuals to experience such a unique form of fitness. Because bungee fitness classes still are not offered at most gyms in the United States, this makes the Andreasen Wellness Center’s class a valuable opportunity. Those who have access should at least consider trying the class once or twice if they are able.
Bungee fitness truly is unique. There are fun moves that make you feel like you are flying as you momentarily hang in space. Aside from this, the general bounciness of the harness and bungee make even regular exercises more enjoyable as you have the ability to shoot straight from a squat into a burpee. I tried the class myself a couple of times, and it gave me feelings reminiscent of when I was a kid and begged my parents to let me go on the bungee trampolines commonly found at fairs and similar events. Although the experience is not quite the same, I was pleased to find the bungee fitness class just as fun. As a bonus, the bungee fitness class does not end after only five minutes, and it can help individuals make progress toward specific health goals.
While the Andreasen Center for Wellness has many classes and amenities available to improve fitness and health, the new bungee fitness class is an incredibly unique opportunity that is suitable for most people, and anyone who gets the opportunity to experience a class should try.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.