Last week, Andrews University students finally had some time off from their incessant studying, burdensome exams, and demanding responsibilities due to the long-established, early vacation period known as spring break! The activities that students on campus engaged with ranged from binge-watching new shows on Netflix, to spending time with loved ones at home, to even traveling across the globe and connecting with new cultures and experiences. I, for one, drove nine hours in a car full of friends from Andrews, where we delved into profound political discussions, shared funny stories from our childhood, and sang Demi Lovato songs like our lives depended on it. Finally arriving at our destination, I got to see old friends and make new memories in places like Washington D.C. and New York City! The last few days of my spring break productively consisted of working and drafting my Honors thesis, reminding me that my spring break had come to an end. Regardless of what you ended up doing this break, I hope you carved out some time to fully rest (even if it was just for a day), to churn out the last morsel of strength that you will need to get through the rest of the semester. Here are some things that other university students did during their much-needed spring break:
Angelisse Villamizar (freshman, business management)
For spring break I went to Florida with a small group of friends and we went to the mall, the beach, Winter Park, and Universal Studios. I had a great time and I’m glad I was able to make more memories with close friends!
Brandon Alvarez (junior, business and biochemistry)
Spring break 2023 was one for the books and truly one of the best trips I’ve ever taken. Spontaneously buying a cheap flight to Europe and getting a friend or two to join you is something I highly recommend! You’ll find yourself coasting along the coast of Croatia, thrifting at local second-hand clothing shops, tasting new foods at little mom-and-pop shops in a quaint Dalmatian town, and dipping your toes in the refreshing Adriatic Sea. I loved every second of it (except for the part where I was learning how to drive manual and panicked a couple of times, shout-out to Nick Zimmerman and his patience) and maybe the trip gave me that little extra push I need to get through the rest of this semester.
Isabella Rappette (senior, finance)
The first weekend I went to my home near Chicago and spent time with family and friends, having good conversations, eating yummy food, rock climbing, and playing volleyball. The second weekend I flew out to visit my boyfriend and his family in Maryland and enjoyed visiting D.C. and seeing the cherry blossoms in their peak bloom! We also visited the Native American History Museum and the National Air & Space Museum. It was a great week of rest and time with friends and family.
Claudius Nigel Emilaire II (junior, digital communication)
This spring break I took a trip to Virginia to visit my sister. On my trip, I was able to meet up with friends in Washington D. C. and celebrate my mom’s birthday. It was an awesome time and I enjoyed seeing family!
Jordan Magakat (sophomore, biology)
For spring break my friends and I formed a team, led by Nick Bishop (junior, biology), to go to an orphanage (Hogar de Niños) in Santa Barbara, Honduras. We used money we raised to fund several construction projects in the community such as building a kitchen, a house, and flooring for a workshop where we joined the locals’ building. We also spent some time teaching English at the nearby high school and playing futbol with the students. But the highlight of my time here was at the orphanage, helping the kids with their work, playing with them, and leading out for worship at night where we were really able to connect and end up being blessed by the love and appreciation they showered on us.
Morgan Williams (junior, social work)
I went on a road trip with some of my closest friends! Kamala Harris and Joe Biden were able to be in my presence. I was able to visit a lot of museums and see a lot of art! Spring Break 2023 was super swag because I made new and unique memories with the besties!
Aya Pagunsan (senior, nursing)
This spring break, I got to really relax! Since I’m a senior in nursing, I wanted to take the time to rest & rejuvenate since we have a big exit exam coming up at the end of April. I spent my time with my family, friends, and my dogs. I enjoyed this break especially because of the great weather and having the ability to just relax.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.