I asked several students to share their thoughts about Hispanic Heritage Month and what it means to them. It’s always interesting to hear such a variety of responses and opinions from our campus!
To me, Hispanic heritage month is a time when I get to celebrate/be reminded of how awesome and colorful our customs are. I also enjoy being able to guilt tripping non Hispanic people into being nice to me. To me, Hispanic heritage month is a time when I get to celebrate/be reminded of how awesome and colorful our customs are. I also enjoy being able to guilt [trip] non Hispanic people into being nice to me.
Uccitly Caballero (senior, French and psychology)
Hispanic heritage to me means not only my identity, my culture, and my family, but also the stories of my ancestors, their lives, accomplishments, language, traditions, and everything that has been passed down from generation to generation to make me who I am today; a proud Hispanic woman. Hispanic heritage is who I am, who the people before me were, and what I will give to those who come after me.
Vany Carballo (senior, speech pathology and Spanish)
I can show my cultural pride. Not that I don't do that on the regular, but I can be extra vocal about it and I try to be really intentional on things, like what I listen to and what I say. I try to incorporate my culture and things I do on a daily basis with more intention. I pretty much only listen to music in Spanish during Hispanic Heritage Month and make it a point to only do that. Another thing is instead of typing "hahaha" in texts I use "jajaja" which is haha in Spanish for anytime I'm texting someone. It might seem stupid to other people, but to me it's a little special thing that I do because I love Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating my culture. I also only support small Latin owned businesses when I'm shopping throughout this month as well and amplify the voices of creators and influencers who are bringing awareness to social issues that are happening in the Latin community. Plus I try to donate to important causes that affect our community. I'm definitely extra proud of my heritage during Hispanic Heritage Month.
Karla Torres (senior, graphic design and Spanish)
Hispanic Heritage Month to me means remembering our roots, how far we’ve all come with our accomplishments, thanking our heroes, and teaching others about our culture. To me personally, it reminds me of my family/ancestors and thanking them for their sacrifices. It also makes me miss my familia and the good food back at home.
Anali Guzman (junior, public health)
It means unity. Hispanics or Latinos, we are really close. Family is important for us and it doesn't just mean your blood or biological family you know, it can also mean your friends, your community, and of course the church. I feel like because of that, this month makes that feeling of closeness extra special. Hispanic Heritage Month means being able to grow with one another and knowing that there is a community for us to help each other and support each other when we need it.
Claudia Arrau (graduate, social work)
I don't think it's the biggest occasion to celebrate, I don't see it as like, you know, the Fourth of July where we get to have fireworks. There are fun events that are put on in the area like parades, and that's something cool to attend. It's good to see the importance of Hispanics because you know, there are a lot of Hispanics in America and specifically immigrants and we know that they don't get paid that much and they don't get treated that well, but they're willing to do the hard work and the labor. So at the same time, I feel like it's good to remind ourselves and acknowledge those who have either come from a different country or people from me, because I was born here. So I guess I don't really feel that kind of difference or like the acknowledgement. But I think it's good to have events and a celebratory month because the acknowledgement is nice. Me personally, I don't really think about this month that much, but go Mexicans.
Johanna Rivas (senior, pre-law)
Oh dear, not really that much. I mean sure, my Hispanic heritage is important to me. But I personally never do anything special for Hispanic Heritage Month and I know a lot of other people that don't really care for it much either. It's nice that we have a culture where diversity is celebrated, like on our college campus for instance, but personally I don't really care much for it.
Kevin Alba (junior, agriculture and business)
I guess it would be remembering. Remembering where we came from, what our roots are, what culture really means to us as Hispanics and how we face that in America. And not only as Hispanics but also how we face it as members of Gen Z.
Nailea Soto, (junior, global studies)
Clearly, Hispanic Heritage Month is a special time of year and it’s exciting to see discussion around what the month can signify on a personal level to many people. Follow the AULA instagram to stay up to date with events happening throughout this month!
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.