Global News
With skin cancer being the most common cancer in the United States and annual costs on treatment amounting to $8.1 billion annually, it’s exciting to hear that Heman Bekele, a fourteen year old, has invented a soap that can actually treat skin cancer! This ninth grader has won the grand prize of $25,000 for having the best invention in the 2023 3M Young Scientist Challenge. Bekele has developed a way to place a melanoma treatment in the form of a bar of soap. In addition to keeping the cost of the soap low, he created a product that stimulates dendritic cells, which protect skin cells by stimulating their activity. It is amazing to hear that such a profound innovation has been made by a youth of this generation. John Banovetz, executive vice president and chief technology officer of 3M, states that he could not be happier with the winner for this year’s competition!
Also, some other great global news can be found in Brazil, as Brazil’s newly elected president has promised zero deforestation in the Amazon by the year 2030. Climate change will be the top priority of his new administration. Lula states that Brazil’s plan of action is to use satellite imagery and intelligence to enhance the tracking of criminal activity, land title regularization, and monitoring forest management with a rural registry. The hope is that this new plan will recover degraded forests all by utilizing this new plan which puts climate change first. “There is no climate security for the world without a protected Amazon,” Lula says.
Local News
In Stevensville, on October 18 from 5:30-8:00pm, an event was hosted by The Berrien County Cancer Service and Peat's Cider Social. The event was a way to raise money for families in the area suffering from cancer. For a $10 entrance fee, there was unlimited bowling and apple cider available! It was an excellent way to bring people together for a noble cause and have some fun as well! Co-owner of Peat’s Cider, Dan Peat, says he was impressed with the turnout, and believes that the "Spare Some Change for Cancer" community members are really making a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. "I don't believe there's anybody walking this earth who hasn't been touched by cancer in one way or another," Peat says. Thus, it is awesome to hear that locally, changes are being made to spread cancer awareness and actively help those in need.
Campus News
The inauguration of President John Wesley Taylor V happened on October 24, 2023. This is an exciting time for the Andrews University campus. Since Andrea Luxton has retired, this campus has now formally recognized the seventh president in his new role. This is a great time to be a part of the Andrews community and experience history in the making. The ceremony reaffirms historic commitments and enhances the prominence of the institution! Taylor says, “By God’s grace, I endeavor to lead with empathy and compassion, with a clear sense of purpose and with integrity.” It will be very interesting to see what the future holds for President Taylor this year as well as in the years to come. We are all very eager to see what John Wesley Taylor has in store for our campus, and are looking forward to his warm welcome.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.