In the past couple of weeks, pedestrians strolling around the Andrews University campus have likely begun to see an explosion of puffy jackets and winter coats. They may even have been wearing one themselves. This is just one telltale sign the weather has been growing colder as of late. In fact, Southwest Michigan even experienced its first snowfall of the cold season last week. However, just because the winter is growing colder doesn't mean students have to disappear to the dorms and hibernate. Plenty of events are still happening on campus for everyone to build community. Keep reading to learn about some upcoming events to enjoy the final weeks of the semester.
Nu Sigma and Honors Winter Coat Drive
Nu Sigma, the Andrews University chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, an international honor society for those pursuing degrees in English, is hosting a winter coat drive. They are doing so in conjunction with the J. N. Andrews Honors program. Through November 30, coats, scarves, gloves, and hats in new or gently used condition can be dropped off at the Writing Center (Nethery 134) or the English department on the main floor of Nethery Hall. All items should be clean and have no stains. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to help our local community by donating today.
Poetic Circle
Interested in poetry? The poetry club would love to have you at one of their upcoming meetings on November 14 and November 28 at 7:00pm. The club meets in Buller room 150 biweekly to educate about and create poetry while building community and growing spiritually. They offer co-curricular credit and drinks, as well as a safe space to share your creativity. See their Instagram page here.
Christmas Concerts
Although Thanksgiving has not even arrived yet, the Christmas season will be here before we know it. Make sure to include the various Christmas concerts on your calendar now so you don’t forget. Ring in the Christmas season at the Howard Performing Arts Center by attending the AU Wind Symphony Christmas Concert on December 2 at 8:00pm, or the Anrews University Singers and Chorale on December 9 at 8:00pm as they present their annual Welcome Christmas Concert.
While Andrews University hosts plenty of events through its variety of student organizations and various departments, there are also local events off-campus that offer a chance to enjoy yourself with friends while exploring a new area. Eden Springs Park in Benton Harbor will be running train rides on December 9,10, 16,17, 22, and 23 from 5:00pm-9:00pm. The cost is $5 per person and transports passengers along a path to see the park's Christmas lights display. There will also be a Holiday Artisan Fair in St. Joseph on December 3. Both of these events are just a couple of examples of the many activities available in the area.
Looking for the best way to stay updated on upcoming events? The best bet to stay informed is to check multiple platforms through which clubs announce events. Most clubs have an Instagram account where they share information about upcoming events. Two of the best accounts to check regularly are @au.sila_ and @weareausa since they often share information about events they or other clubs are hosting. You can also check Engage, the AU Agenda, the HPAC website, and the various bulletin boards around campus. Finally, ask around. Many people learn about events through word of mouth, and your friends may be informed about several events you are unaware of. Also, many student organizations have not yet announced their upcoming Christmas events, so be sure to check these resources often to learn about upcoming social gatherings when they are finally advertised. Hopefully, this will give you some ideas of how to stay connected as Andrews University enters the cold season. Remember, relaxing in your room with a hot drink and a book or TV show is a good way to wind down, but don’t completely hide away from the rest of the student body. On that note, I hope to see you at some winter events soon.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.