You probably have already noticed that music is a big part of the campus’ dynamic. It is present almost everywhere, and you can find quite a diversity of ensembles playing a wide range of genres, from hymns to movie soundtracks. Being part of an ensemble is also an enriching experience for all members, and it contributes to our campus diversity. On the other hand, we also have art in various forms that have accomplished goals ranging from creating consciousness to drawing our hearts closer to the Creator. And it gets better when several minds meet and become creative together!
However, have you wondered how we reached this point at Andrews University? How has art come to life on our campus? Were there any other ensembles or musicians in the past that we may be missing? Any artistic collectives that should be remembered? Maybe more questions could be asked, but just hang in there and get ready for the next semester, as the Arts & Entertainment section of The Student Movement will cover the history of several artistic groups on campus that have made history. We hope you get your hot drink ready and join us for this upcoming series!
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.