This week, I talked with Uccitly Caballero (senior, psychology and French) about her senior research project with the psychology department at Andrews. She shares some of her struggles and advises any undergraduates looking to gain research experience to get started soon because of the many valuable insights that can be gained through this work.
What is your senior research project?
I am researching the effects of TikTok, and other just social media as well, but specifically TikTok’s effects on individuals’ ability to focus and remain attentive.
So what gave you an idea for this project?
Well, that's an excellent question. Essentially, what started this was my project for research methods. I did some research on TikTok usage in general and if it could become something similar to addiction, and originally I had wanted to see if TikTok affected people's ability to pay attention. I noticed that like when I started using TikTok a lot, I could feel myself having a harder time sitting still and focusing in classes. And so I thought, what if this has to do with TikTok? But I didn't have time to do the project then and I put it on the backburner. And then when it came time to do my research project, I was like, this seems easy because I’m kind of familiar with the area.
What were some challenges that you faced during your research?
Oh, so many. Starting with the fact that it took a really long time to get IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval. And I'm talking really long like I was two weeks ago, I was still not IRB approved and I was actually shaking in my boots thinking I was not going to be able to graduate. I literally turned in my proposal over the summer in August and it just took a long time. That's the biggest challenge because now getting people to interview them is hard because it's finals week.
And what are some enjoyable aspects of your project? What's been the most fun for you?
I really like conducting experiments. I like seeming like I know what I'm talking about and bringing people in and going, okay, so first you're going to do this survey, and then you're going to do this and you're going to do that and then just sitting around making it all happen.
What makes this project meaningful to you?
It's meaningful because I get to graduate.
What's your advice for people who are getting started or thinking about starting their final projects?
You definitely shouldn’t try to get it done in one semester like me. I'm just really itching to leave and I'm graduating this December. But if you can give yourself more time, do something that you're kind of passionate about, especially if the topic applies to you or can apply to you. I feel like you find more enjoyment doing that because you're kind of doing this research for yourself in a way and not only to fulfill the requirement to graduate
How have you kept your motivation up through this process?
Lots of prayer. Lots of prayer and just keeping a positive attitude. There have been times where I felt very discouraged. But you keep it pushing, you know, work hard, play hard is what I always say.
Any final thoughts?
Final thoughts are that getting research experience is very important, especially if you're a psych major. And especially if you're not pre professional, like I'm just behavioral sciences. So take that opportunity and ask your professors: Hey, can I do some research with you? Go get that experience up because we have the privilege of being in such a small school with teachers that we get to know that you can probably get the experience if you wanted it. Take advantage of that because once you graduate, if you don't have research experience, what were you doing in college?
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.