It’s always inspiring and exciting to hear about the experiences of people who were once in your shoes and know that there is a light at the end of the seemingly endless tunnel of school. This week, I had the opportunity to talk to one of Andrew University’s own alumni, Sarah Burton. She gave insight into her current life experiences and reminisced on her years at Andrews. Keep reading to hear her reflections and gain a new perspective on what it means to make it to the other side of graduation.
What year did you graduate from Andrews and what was your major?
I graduated with a BS in Archaeological Anthropology and a BA in Religion, and graduated with my MA in Religion in 2015.
What are you up to these days?
I am a stay-at-home mom and a freelance writer and copy editor.
What were you involved in (clubs, music groups, etc.) while you were at Andrews?
I was in Honors, played violin in the Orchestra for a few semesters, and I was involved in a club called ACTS (Andrews Chapter of the Adventist Theological Society—It no longer exists), I was involved in Fusion (a vespers that no longer exists). I was a member of Eigen and the Euro Club (I don’t remember doing much with the Euro Club except helping out with the food fair).
What is your favorite part of your current reality?
I really enjoy watching my kids learn new things and teaching them about the world. They are like sponges. It encourages me to be more creative, to learn more, and to really pay attention to my values and how I transmit them to my kids. It has really expanded my relationship with God and how I think about the practical elements of my beliefs. I’m remembering how beautiful it is to trust and to wonder at the world.
What is one of your favorite memories from your time at Andrews?
The Honors program. I loved the classes, the vespers, the outings, and the community. I loved being part of a group of serious students who were passionate about what they were studying.
What are your recent interests?
I am revisiting my love for writing fiction. I am currently taking one class at Andrews (Creative Fiction: Short Story)
What is one piece of media that you would recommend and why?
“Between the World and Me” by Ta-Nehisi Coates. It is a lyrical masterpiece and an incredibly timely read on the tragedies that racism inflicts on Black lives in America.
What is one thing you gained from being at Andrews?
The Honors program in particular prepared me for a broad understanding of the world and gave me the tools to deconstruct and reconstruct my own ideas. I have revisited specific thinkers many times since graduating. It has made me a better Christian, a better writer, a better copy editor, and a better human (not necessarily in that order). I also appreciate the opportunity I had to receive an education on such a diverse campus. I think it’s really important to experience and appreciate different ways of worshiping, of talking about God, of thinking, of existing. That’s how we grow.
What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who is currently a student?
Take the hard classes and take a class just for fun. Enjoy the cafeteria food. You will be cooking for the rest of your life! Take time to broaden your circle. Now is the time to expand yourself, to really grow.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.