What is fall to you? Is it the cozy sweaters, the sweet aroma of autumn-flavored fragrances, the warm vibes of the holidays or the ever-changing arrays of wonderfully colored leaves that crunch as you walk? Whatever the fall season means to you, I’m sure we can all agree that fall is a beautiful season of change, despite the chilly breeze fast approaching. Fall is full of memorable moments for me, especially since it is my favorite of the four seasons.
My family and I have always loved to go on walks to enjoy God’s creation and spend time together. One year, we decided to walk on one of the forest trails, and my brother, who is a photographer, decided to bring his camera and take family pictures. Breathing in the fresh, crisp air as we walked, we collected the pretty leaves spread across the ground and shared funny stories as we enjoyed one another’s company. Walking back home after taking pictures in our fall outfits, we raked up some leaves and started jumping in the piles, bursting into giggles while tossing them everywhere. Tired after it all, we returned home to relax with some warm apple cider and to decorate our house with the leaves we collected and pumpkins that we had gotten from a trip to an orchard a few days prior. As the sweet and tangy aroma of the cider filled our house and the fun day came to a close, I realized how thankful I am for a family such as this, where I could be happy in even the simple joys in life.
This memory of mine will always be one of my favorite fall moments because it reminds me that this is a time to spend with our loved ones and enjoy nature. Although autumn brings change and is preparing the earth for the harsh winter soon approaching, I am very grateful that God has blessed us with a season so beautiful, full of life, color and perfectly cool weather. It really is a season that teaches us that maybe change can be good and it is okay to slow down every once in a while to take the time to appreciate what life has to offer. So, I hope that this fall season has been a gorgeous one and you are filling it with many memories to add to your collection. If you haven't already, explore a forest of brightly colored trees, get lost in a corn maze and jump in a pile of leaves. It's worth it.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.