The Student Movement


Annual AUSA Sabbath

Melissa Moore

Photo by Lydia Ruckle

The Andrews University Student Association (AUSA) hosted their annual AUSA Sabbath on Jan. 25, 2025. Many students contributed to the service, which took place in Pioneer Memorial church (PMC) and included performances by Deliverance Mass Choir and a message by Kenny Laguerre (graduate student). 

Every spring semester, AUSA, along with the Andrews University Graduate Student Association (AUGSA), hosts a worship service in PMC. This year, AUGSA hosted the 9:45 a.m. service while AUSA facilitated the 11:45 a.m. service. 

The 11:45 a.m. service began with a prelude and then the AUSA president, Jakob Kwon (senior, accounting and finance), gave a welcome and shared some announcements. Pastor Shane Anderson then presented a few announcements and introduced the speaker. The service proceeded with prayers by Kwon and Katie Davis (senior, social work), a children’s story by Alyssa Caruthers (junior, English), and congregational singing. AUSA officers Jerry Taylor (senior, computer science) and Samantha Flores (junior, music education) also participated in the service. Deliverance Mass Choir sang a rendition of “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and “Total Praise.”

Laguerre’s message, titled “Spread Out,” centered on belonging and how our value comes from Christ. He explained that belonging is a fundamental human need, highlighted statistics on loneliness in the United States and examined how Jesus spent his time on Earth in the 40 days after his resurrection before ascending to heaven. Laguerre referenced the many interactions Jesus had with his disciples, highlighting that even after walking with Jesus for 3 years, the disciples still had more to learn. God has not given up on us, Laguerre said, and God wants to show us a space of belonging with him even when we try to find belonging in other spaces. Toward the end of the sermon, he explained that your value does not come from how long you have been in the church. Your value comes from Christ, reemphasizing the point of belonging. 

After the sermon, the congregation sang “We Are One in the Spirit,” and Jalanni Sylvester-Hilaire (senior, theology and pastoral ministry) said the closing prayer.

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.