Valentine’s Day is a day of love, affection and gift-giving between lovebirds—and future lovebirds!
Typical Valentine’s Day traditions include going on dates and exchanging hearts and chocolates. Companies have capitalized on this tradition and have reaped the benefits of massive spending. Last year, people spent about $25.8 billion on Valentine’s Day gifts.
For many Americans, the commercialization and mass production of valentines have made it quick and easy to shop for gifts. However, something quick and easy might not sit right when it comes to the special people in your life. So, how can we make this Valentine's Day intentional?
There’s no better way than incorporating a piece of your own love in a DIY project. The personal touch of a DIY gift adds a unique intimacy to your relationship. What’s more special than a gift that can only be made by the person you love most?
To get an idea of what people would want to receive, I asked some of my friends what they would want their significant other (or imaginary significant other) to make and I received a unanimous, resounding “ANYTHING!”
When it comes to true love and gifts, it's clear that the giver is more important than the gift! So, if you have any inhibitions, throw them away and just think about the person you love. Try to think about what this special person likes.
Here are some ideas that can help you get started:
1. For some people, a practical giftwould be perfect. Maybe a customized knife, a mug, or a scarf—speaking of scarves, knitting or crocheting would be really nice for your partner! Winter attire is especially practical this time of year. Especially for guys, something practical that they can use every day will make them feel really special, especially if you made it. Hats, mittens, and socks would be a perfect way of making something special and personalized for someone.
2. I asked some of my ceramics classmates to see what they would want. A lot of them said they wanted flowers: real flowers, but also handmade flowers. These can be made from paper, pipe clearance, tissue paper, or any other material.
3. Another good option is food. For example, if your partner really loves creme brulee, maybe you can learn to make it. It could be anything: a main dish, an appetizer or even a sweet treat!
To tie your gift together, include a note! Write something special; maybe draw something on it; even if you can’t draw a stick figure, anything you doodle for them will make them smile. Put inside jokes in your note, something funny or sweet—you know what’s best for that special person. And that’s what it comes down to, you and that person. There’s not a one-size-fits-all gift for guys or girls. The most meaningful valentine will be custom to your special someone.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.