Academic Records Updates and New Initiative (Aimee Regoso, Carolyn Hurst, Janelle Strong, Samuel Villamizar)
Advising: System and Process Updates (Aaron Moushon, Amy Rosenthal, Hayley Sanchez)
Andrews on the Web (Darren Heslop)
Annual Cycle for Adjunct Faculty Appointment (AFA) (Beverly Brown)
AU Wellness 101 (Rachel Keele)
Beyond “Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way” (Kevin Wiley)
Followership Attributes
Followership Quadrants
Connect with prospective students: Using Recruit and BANNER Reports (Wendy Keough, Darryl Kotanko)
Donuts, Discussions, and Demonstrations (Marsha Beal)
Employment Processes (Yalin Contreras)
Gallup for Supervisors (Darcy de Leon)
Going on Vocation (Jose Bourget, Joydel Trail)
Identify your role in the Student Experience (Josh Baltazar)
Life Hacks for Remote and Hybrid Work (Janine Lim)
Ombudsperson (Benjamin Navia, Mordekai Ongo)
Reshape the future - Andrews Technology Road Mapping (Sam Kann)
Student Success (Darla Smothers-Morant, Kristine Walker-Fraser)
Translating Administrative Banner: Tips, Tricks, and Tools (Jennifer Janssen-Rogers)
Uplifting Human Value through a DEI Framework (Danielle Pilgrim, Stephen Yeagley)
DEI Glossary
Values: Timeless or Timely? (Paulette Johnson, Terry Robertson)
Why's everyone talking about trauma? (Ingrid Slikkers)