Faculty Publications

The following publications are the scholarly and general audience publications of Andrews University faculty members published in 2012. 



College of Arts and Sciences

Behavioral Sciences


Chemistry and Biochemistry


Engineering and Computer Science

  • G.S. Agoki. Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD/Inventor CREO Elements/Pro and SolidWorks, Fourth Edition, George S. Agoki, PhD ISBN-978-0-9841461-4-7, 2012.
  • B.C. Ng and G.S. Agoki. “Graphics Educations Are Needed For Upper Division Mechanical Engineering Design Classes” 66th Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-Year Conference Proceeding, Galveston, Texas, pp. 188-197, 2012. http:// edgd.asee.org
  • G.S. Agoki and B.C. Ng. “Using First Year Engineering Graphics Course for Student Outcomes and Assessment” 66th Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-Year Conference Proceeding, Galveston, Texas, pp. 98-108, 2012. http:// edgd.asee.org 
  • G.S. Agoki & C. Dias. (2012) “Use of the Simulation Approach to Determine the Completion Time and Associated Probability in Senior Design Projects in Undergraduate Engineering Programs.” ProMAC 2012, 6th International Conference on Project Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
  • A. Blankman, E. Bogatin, and D. DeGroot. “A Practical Approach for Using Circuit Board Qualification Test Results to Accurately Simulate High Speed Serial Link Performance,” DesignCon 2012 Conf. Dig., Feb. 2012.
  • D. DeGroot, K. Doshi, D. Dunham,“De-embedding in high speed design,” DesignCon 2012 Conf. Dig., Feb. 2012.
  • B.C. Ng, G. Lovhoiden, K. Sompalli, T. Willliams. An Evaluation of the Electrical Resistance of a Di-electric Electro-active Polymer Undergoing a Series of Stress-relaxation Cycles, 2012 Hawaii University International Conferences Education, Math & Engineering Technology. 2012. http://huichawaii.org/assets/m---ng,-boon-chai---lovhoiden.pdf
  • G. Lovhoiden. CA2518315: IMAGING SYSTEM USING DIFFUSE INFRARED LIGHT An imaging system that illuminates body tissue with infrared light to enhance visibility of subcutaneous blood vessels and generates video images of the body tissue and the subcutaneous blood vessels based on reflected infrared light.  http://patent.ipexl.com/CA/CAZZUCZZ2518315.html
  • G. Lovhoiden. EP2207482: IMAGING SYSTEM USING INFRARED LIGHT An imaging system is disclosed for imaging buried structure, typically vasculature, below the surface of an object which can be skin, fat deposits, or other material and for projecting an image of the buried structure onto the surface of the object. http://patent.ipexl.com/EP/EP2207482ZZUCZZA1.html
  • G. Lovhoiden. HK 1115791: PROJECTION OF SUBSURFACE STRUCTURE ONTO AN OBJECT’S SURFACE. An imaging system illuminates an object with infrared light to enhance visibility of buried structures beneath the surface of the object, and projects a visible image of the buried structure onto the surface of the object. http://www.directorypatent.com/U2S/20060122515.html
  • G. Lovhoiden. US8078263: PROJECTION OF SUBSURFACE STRUCTURE ONTO AN OBJECT’S SURFACE. An imaging system illuminates an object with infrared light to enhance visibility of buried structures beneath the surface of the object, and projects a visible image of the buried structure onto the surface of the object. http://www.google.com/patents/US8078263
  • Boon-Chai Ng and Arnold Chand. “Casting Made Easy with 3-D Prints”, 2012 Hawaii University International Conferences Education, Math & Engineering Technology, Conference Proceeding, ISSN #2166-420X (Online), ISSN #2166-4218 (CD-ROM). http://huichawaii.org/assets/m---ng,-boon-chai----chand.pdf
  • Boon-Chai Ng, Craig Bradfield, Roy Pritish, and Marlene Murray. “Potential Fiberboard Material from Cow Manure and Disposable Water Bottle”, TMS 2012 Conference Proceeding.  http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781118356074.ch16/summary


History and Political Science

  • Brian E. Strayer. Review of Nicholas Miller, The Religious Roots of the First Amendment: Dissenting Protestants and the Separation of Church and State (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012). In Andrews University Seminary Studies 50 (Autumn 2012): 320-322.
  • Brian E. Strayer. Review of Nicolas Lyon-Caen.  La boite a Perrette: Le jansenisme parisien au XVIII siècle (Paris: Albin Michel, 2010). In on-line edition of French History (Autumn 2012).  http://fh.oxfordjournals.org/content/26/3/405.short





  • U. V. Valiev, J. B. Gruber, and G. W. Burdick. Magnetooptical Spectroscopy of the Rare-Earth Compounds: Development and Application (Scientific Research Publishing, USA, 2012).  Reviewed by, I. S. Edelman, J. Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 4, 216-217 (2012).  http://www.scirp.org/book/DetailedInforOfABook.aspx?bookID=485&bookTypeID=2
  • G. W. Burdick and R. Hefferlin. Data Location in a Four-Dimensional Periodic System of Diatomic Molecules, Chemical Information and Computational Challenges in the 21st Century, M. V. Putz, ed. (Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, 2012), Chapter 7, pp. 197-212.  http://works.bepress.com/gary_burdick/47/
  • Uygun V. Valiev, John B. Gruber, Gary W. Burdick, Vasiliy O. Pelenovich, and Mariya E. Malysheva. Magnetooptics of magnetic-dipole transitions in the rare-earth paramagnetic garnets, Optics and Spectroscopy 112, 857-863 (2012); Оптика и Спектроскопия, 112, 928-934 (2012).  http://link.springer.com/article/10.1134%2FS0030400X12060227
  • John B. Gruber, Gary W. Burdick, Ulrich Vetter, Brandon Mitchell, Volkmar Dierolf, and Hans Hofsäss. Crystal field and Zeeman splittings for energy levels of Nd3+ in hexagonal AlN, Opt. Mater. Express, 2, 1176-1185 (2012).  http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/japiau/v110/i4/p043109_s1?isAuthorized=no
  • John B. Gruber, Ulrich Vetter, Gary W. Burdick, Zackery D.Fleishman, Larry D. Merkle, Takashi Taniguchi, Yuan Xiaoli, Takashi Sekiguchi, Daniel Jürgens, and Hans Hofsäss. Analysis of the spectra of trivalent erbium in multiple sites of hexagonal aluminum nitride, Opt. Mater. Express, 2, 1186-1202 (2012).  http://works.bepress.com/gary_burdick/2/
  • Gary Burdick. Andrews Autumn Conference: Faith and reason united in the search for knowledge, Covalence Magazine, November 2012, published online: http://www.elca.org/ What-We-Believe/Social-Issues/Faith-Science-and-Technology/Covalence Features/ Andrews-Autumn-Conference.aspx.
  • Gary Burdick. (book review), Lennox, John C., God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway? Andrews University Seminary Studies, 50, 316-318 (Autumn 2012).
  • S. Mastel, S. E. Grefe, G. B Cross,  A. Taber, S. Dhuey, S. Cabrini, P. J. Schuck, Y. Abate. "Real-space mapping of nanoplasmonic hotspots via optical antenna-gap loading," Applied Physics Letters, vol.101, no.13, pp.131102-131102-4, Sep 2012.
  • M. C. K. Mattingly. H1 and ZEUS Collaboration; F.D. Aaron et al. Combined inclusive diffractive cross sections measured with forward proton  spectrometers in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA DESY-12-100 (June 2012) Europ. Phys. Journal C 72(2012) 2175, DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-012-2175-y.  http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.4864
  • M. C. K. Mattingly. ZEUS Collaboration; H. Abramowicz et al. Search for First-Generation Leptoquarks at HERA DESY-12-077 (May 2012) Phys. Rev. D 86, 012005 (2012) . http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.5179
  • M. C. K. Mattingly. ZEUS Collaboration; H. Abramowicz et al. Inclusive-jet Photoproduction at HERA and determination of Alpha_s DESY-12-045 (March 2012) Nucl. Phys. B864 (2012), pp. 1-37. http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.6153
  • M. C. K. Mattingly. ZEUS Collaboration; H. Abramowicz et al. Exclusive Electroproduction of two Pions at HERA DESY-11-220 (November 2011) Eur. Phys. J. C 72  (2012) 1869. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-012-1869-5
  • M. C. K. Mattingly. ZEUS Collaboration; H. Abramowicz et al. Scaled Momentum Distributions for K0s and Lambda/anti-Lambda in DIS at HERA DESY-11-205 (November 2011), Journal of High Energy Physics 3 (2012) 20, JHEP 03  (2012) 020; DOI 10.1007/JHEP 03(2012)020. http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.3526 
  • M. C. K. Mattingly. ZEUS Collaboration; H. Abramowicz et al. Search for Single-Top Production in ep Collisions at HERA DESY-11-204 (November 2011) Phys. Lett. B 708  (2012) 27-36. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011arXiv1111.3901Z
  • M. C. K. Mattingly. ZEUS Collaboration; H. Abramowicz et al. Measurement of the t dependence in exclusive photoproduction of Upsilon (1S) mesons at HERA DESY-11-186 (October 2011) Phys. Lett. B 708  (2012) 14-20.  http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.2133
  • J. Abadie, T. Summerscales, et. al. “Search for gravitational waves associated with gamma-ray bursts during LIGO science run 6 and Virgo science runs 2 and 3”, Astrophysical Journal. 760 (2012) 12, arXiv/1205.2216.  http://iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/760/1/12
  • P. A. Evans, T. Summerscales, et. al. “Swift  follow-up observations of candidate gravitational-wave transient events”, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 203 (2012) 28, arXiv/1205.1124. http://iopscience.iop.org/0067-0049/203/2/28
  • J. Aasi, T. Summerscales, et. al. “The characterization of Virgo data and its impact on gravitational wave searches”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 29 (2012) 155002, arXiv/1203.5613. http://iopscience.iop.org/0264-9381/29/15/155002
  • J. Abadie, T. Summerscales, et. al. “All-sky search for gravitational-wave bursts in the second joint LIGO-Virgo run”, Phys. Rev. D 85 (2012) 122007, arXiv/1202.2788. http://prd.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v85/i12/e122007
  • J. Abadie, T. Summerscales, et. al. “Implications for the origin of GRB 051103 from LIGO observations”, Astrophysical Journal. 755 (2012) 2, arXiv/1201.4413.  http://iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/755/1/2
  • J. Abadie, T. Summerscales, et. al. “First low-latency LIGO+Virgo search for binary inspirals and their electromagnetic counterparts”, Astron. & Astrophys 541 (2012) A155, arXiv/1112.6005.  http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2012/05/aa18860-12/aa18860-12.html
  • J. Abadie, T. Summerscales, et. al. “Upper Limits on a stochastic gravitational-wave background using LIGO and Virgo interferometers at 600-1000Hz”, Phys. Rev. D 85 (2012) 122001, arXiv/1112.5004.
  • J. Abadie, T. Summerscales, et. al. “Search for gravitational waves from intermediate mass binary black holes”, Phys. Rev. D 85 (2012) 102004, arXiv/1201.5999. http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.5999
  • J. Abadie, T. Summerscales, et. al. “Search for gravitational waves from low mass compact binary coalescence in LIGO’s sixth science run and Virgo’s science runs 2 and 3”, Phys. Rev. D 85 (2012) 082002, arXiv/1111.7314. http://prd.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v85/i8/e082002
  • J. Abadie, T. Summerscales, et. al. “All-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the full S5 LIGO data”, Phys. Rev. D 85 (2012) 022001, arXiv/1110.0208.  http://prd.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v85/i2/e022001
  • J. Abadie, T. Summerscales, et. al. “Implementation and testing of the first prompt search for gravitational wave transients with electromagnetic counterparts”, Astron. & Astrophys. 539 (2012) A124, arXiv/1109.3498.  http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2012/03/aa18219-11/aa18219-11.html


  • E. H. Gallos. Dissertation Abstract: Katpausij and Sabbatismoj in Hebrews 4. Published in: Andrews University Seminary Studies 50(2012):67-68.
  • E. H. Gallos. (book review) O’Brian, Peter T. The Letter to the Hebrews. Pillar New Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010. Pulbished in: Andrews University Seminary Studies 50 (2012):106-109.
  • E. H. Gallos. (book review) Von Stiegel, Herta and Gina Smith. The Mountain Within: Leadership Lessons and Inspiration for Your Climb to the Top. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011. Published in: Andrews University Seminary Studies 50 (2012):130-131..
  • A. Jeroncic. “The Liminal Church: Exilic Consciousness and Adventist Theopolitics” Andrews University Seminary Studies 50 (2012), 207-222.
  • R. Muñoz-Larrondo. A Postcolonial Reading of the Acts of the Apostles. Studies in Biblical Literature 147. New York: Peter Lang, 2012.  http://www.peterlang.de/download/datasheet/62199/datasheet_311608.pdf
  • P. Petersen. The Biblical Doctrine of Creation in In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation. Edited by Bryan Ball. Pacific Press, 2012.
  • A. Rahel Schafer. “Stewardship as a Privilege: The Earth is the Lord’s and Everything in It.”  Adventist World (August, 2012): 22-23. http://www.adventistworld.org/article/1301 /resources/english/issue-2012-1008/stewardship-as-a-privilege?search=Schafer.
  • A. Rahel Schafer. “Does God Care about Oxen?” Perspective Digest 17, no. 3 (2012). http://www.perspectivedigest.org/article/78/archives/17-3/does-god-care-about-oxen?search=schafer.

Social Work

Department of Agriculture
  • Beikman, S. H. Jordan Field School, New Plans and Theory. Focus Magazine of Andrews University Summer Issue 2012 Vol. 48 No. 3. Contributed Site Drawing of Map of Tel Hisban p. 31 accompanying and supporting contents of the article and collaborated on the article authored by Oystein La Bianca.  http://www.andrews.edu/focus/archives/2012-3-focus-web.pdf
School of Architecture, Art & Design

Architecture, Interior Design & Construction

Visual Art & Design

School of Business Administration

Accounting, Economics & Finance

  • A. Gibson. “Graduate Business Education in Adventist Colleges and Universities:  History and Challenges.” Co-authored with Robert Firth.  The Journal of Adventist Education, vol 74(4), pp. 40-47, (2012).
  • A. Gibson. “Methodology in Business Ethics Research:  A Review and Critical Assessment.”  Co-authored with Donna Randall. Reprinted in “Citation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics:  Celebrating the First Thirty Years of Publication.” Alex C. Michalos and Deborah C. Poff, editors. Springer Publications (2013) (released in October, 2012). http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-4126-3_10
  • A. Gibson. “Navigating the Grey Area.” Leadership Development Journal (a publication of the Trans-European Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists), November, 2012. pp 102 (epuji@ted-adventist.org).
  • A. Gibson. “What is True Treasure?” Dynamic Steward (a publication of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Stewardship Department), vol 16(4), 2012.

Management, Marketing & Information Systems

  • J. L. Chi.  “Act as a Superior Leader for Y and X Generations: What Are The Distinctive Differences?” at  LDSC Journal, December, 2012.
  • J. L. Chi. “The Insanity and Sanity of Religious Products –Faithfulness and Blind Faith?” at LDSC Journal, September, 2012.
  • J. L. Chi. “The Battle of Moral Government (Conservatism) and Diversity Society (Liberalism)” at LDSC Journal, July, 2012.
  • J. L. Chi. “How Can Church Work with Poor by Utilizing Socialistic and Capitalistic Approaches?” LDSC Journal, May, 2012.
  • B.A. Maguad. (2012). Managing for Quality in Higher Education: A Systems Perspective. London, U.K.: Ventus Publishing. ebooksforexcellence.files.wordpress.com
School of Distance Education
School of Education

Graduate Psychology & Counseling

  • L. Théodor, & R. D. Coffen. (2012). A multicultural education in the classroom: What it is, and how it helps in development. In C. Valley, E. Kido, M. Beach, & D. Herrmann (Eds.), Peril and promise: Adventist education at the crossroads (pp. 127-135). Riverside, CA: Center for Research on K-12 Adventist Education. http://books.google.com/books/about/Peril_and_Promise.html?id=YJeCMAEACAAJ
  • T. Grajales. Food Safety Attitudes of College Students: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis of a Conceptual Model. Nutrients 2012, 4.  http://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/5/2/328
  • S. Al Otaiba, V.E. Lake, L. Greulich, J. S. Folsom, & L. Guidry. (2012). Preparing beginning reading teachers: An experimental comparison of initial early literacy field experiences. Reading and Writing, 25 (1), 109-129. doi:10.1007/s11145-010-9250-2. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11145-010-9250-2
  • M. Ortiz, J. S. Folsom, S. Al Otaiba, L. Greulich, S. Thomas-Tate, & C. M. Connor.(2012). The componential model of reading:  Predicting first grade reading performance of culturally diverse students from ecological, psychological, and cognitive factors assessed at kindergarten entry. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45 (5), 406-417. doi: 10.1177/0022219411431242.  http://ldx.sagepub.com/content/45/5/406.short
  • R. Marinho, J. Kijai, Z. Mngo, and E. N. MooYin. (2012). Cross-cultural perspectives on college students’ beliefs, values and spirituality at Seventh-day Adventist institutions.  In C. Valley, E. Kido, Beach, & D. Herrmann (Eds.), Peril and promise: Adventist education at the crossroads (pp.53-70). Riverside, CA:  Center for Research on K-12 Adventist Education, La Sierra University.  http://lasierra.edu/fileadmin/documents/education
  • V. Sauder, L. Johns and J. Kijai. (2012). Awareness and perceptions among Adventist college-bound youth regarding Adventist higher education. In S, Pawluk & G. Gordon (Eds.), Seventh-day Adventist higher education in North America: Theological perspectives and current issue (pp.233-258).  Nampa, Idaho:  Pacific Press Publication Association.
  • Y. Larrier, J. Kijai, M. A. Bakerson, L. Walker, J. Linton, C. Woolford-Hunt, B. J. Sallinen, and S. Woolford. (2012). School counselors perspectives of the barriers and facilitators associated with their involvement in the childhool obesity epidemic: A national K-12 survey. American Journal of Health Education, 43(4), 218-224.  http://www.tandfonline.com /doi/abs/10.1080/19325037.2012.10599238#.UZ_E2UCG1oc
  • J. Kijai, R. Lampadan, and D. Loo. Factors related to language shift among the Tindal population in Ratau, Kota Belud, Sabah. (2012). Catalyst: Journal of the Institute for Interdisclipinary Studies, 7(1), 4-13.  http://www.apiu.edu/publications/catalyst/Catalyst_2012.pdf#page=5
  • Woolford-Hunt, C. School Counselors Perspectives of the Barriers and Facilitators Associated with their Involvement in the Childhood Obesity Epidemic. American Journal of Health Education July/August 2012.  http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_ 0=EJ979315&ERICEx Search_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ979315


  • K. Tilstra, S. Freed, & E. Baumgartner. 2011(2012 published). Growing Creative Leaders: A Multiple Case Study.The Journal of Applied Christian Leadership. Vol 5, No 1, pp 43-68.
  • J. R. Jeffery. (2012). Does Carrying a Smart Phone and an iPad Make the Principal a Technology Leader? Journal of Adventist Education. 75:1, 22-27.
  • J. Ledesma. 2012. Why Principal’s Stay. The Journal of Adventist Education. Vol. 75, No. 1. pp. 50-54.
  • R. Marinho, J. Kijai, E. MooYin, Z. Mngo. (2012). “Cross-cultural Perspectives on College Students’ Beliefs, Values and Spirituality at Seventh-day Adventist Institutions.” In: Valley C., Kido E., Beach M., Herrmann, D. (2012). Peril and Promise: Adventist Education at the Crossroads. La Sierra, CA: Center for Research on Adventist Education.  http://books.google.com/books/about/Peril_and_Promise.html?id=YJeCMAEACAAJ
  • Robson Marinho. (2012). “Presidential Leadership: The Secret of Barack Obama.” The Winners: Prime Leaders Magazine. GCSM – Global Council of Sales Marketing, 002/12, December 2012, p. 162-166. (Bilingual  magazine).

Teaching, Learning & Curriculum

School of Health Professions

Medical Laboratory Sciences


  • G. Chi and J. Chi.  “Act as a Superior Leader for Y and X Generations: What Are The Distinctive Differences?”LDSC Journal, December, 2012.

Public Health, Nutrition, and Wellness

Physical Therapy

Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary

Christian Ministry

Church History

  • N. P. Miller. The Religious Roots of the First Amendment: Protestantism, the Bible, and Religious Freedom, Oxford University Press, 2012.  http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199858361.do#.UaTc7UCG1oc
  • N. P. Miller. “Should Adventists Care About Protecting Traditional Marriage,” in Homosexuality, Marriage and the Church, Andrews University Press, 2012, 213-228.  http://www.universitypress.andrews.edu/catalog.php?key=213
  • N. P. Miller. Liberty Magazine, “A Secular Threat to Religious Freedom,” September/October 2012.  http://alfaromeo.websitewelcome.com/~libertym/index.php?id=1866
  • J. Moon. “Ellen G. White on the Assurance of Salvation: Are Her Writings a Help or a Stumbling Block?” co-authored with Woodrow W. Whidden II. Chapter 11 in The Judgment and Assurance: The Dynamics of Personal Salvation. The Library of Adventist Theology. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 2012.  http://www.amazon.com/Judgment-Assurance-dynamics-personal-salvation/dp/B007TD9Z02
  • J. Moon. Review of The Naked Anabaptist: The Bare Essentials of a Radical Faith, by Stuart Murray. Andrews University Seminary Studies 50 (Spring 2012): 115-117.
  • T. O’Reggio. “Martin Luther on Marriage and Family” History Research 2/3 March 2012:195-218. http://snd.gu.se/sites/snd.gu.se/files/History_Research.pdf
  • T. O’Reggio. “Christianity and Chinese Characteristics: The Origins and Evolution of Adventist Mission in a Chinese Province.” Journal of Adventist Mission Studies vol. 8 no 1 (Fall 2012): 107-138.
  • T. O’Reggio. “The Connection Between Slavery and Prophecy as it Related to the American Nation in the Writings of the Adventist Pioneers during the Antebellum Period.” History Research 2/5 May 2012: 316-331.
  • J. W. Reeve. "How Is It That We Do Not Worship Three Gods” in Humerto M. Rasi and Nancy J. Vyhmeister, eds., Always Prepared: Answers to Questions about our Faith (Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2012), 109-120. http://www.amazon.ca/Always-Prepared-Answers-Questions-about/dp/0816325022

Discipleship & Religious Education

  • K. Beagles. “Growing Disciples in Community.” Christian Education Journal, Spring 2012 (Series 3, 9:1), 148-164.  http://journals.biola.edu/cej/volumes/9/issues/1/articles/148
  • K. Beagles. “Together Growing Fruitful Disciples: A Model for Discipleship.” The Journal of Adventist Education. Summer 2012 (74:5). 15-18. [Co-authored with Juvenal Balisasa] http://circle.adventist.org/files/jae/en/jae201274051504.pdf
  • K. Beagles. “Building Bridges: A Teacher and a Pastor Dialogue About Discipleship.” The Journal of Adventist Education. Summer 2012 (74:5). 4-7. [Co-authored with Gavin Anthony]

New Testament

  • T. L. Reeve. "Review Article of Timothy Wiarda Interpreting Gospel Narratives: Scenes, People, and Theology,"  Andrews University Seminary Studies(Spring, 2012): 133-134.
  • T. Shepherd. “Promise and Power: A Narrative Analysis of the Resurrection Story in Mark 16 in Codex Vaticanus and Codex Washingtonianus,” in Resurrection of the Dead: Biblical Traditions in Dialogue, eds. Geert Van Oyen and Tom Shepherd, Biblioteca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, vol. CCIL (Leuven: Peeters, 2012), 159-182. http://www.peeters-leuven.be/boekoverz_print.asp?nr=9204
  • T. Shepherd. “Review Article of Kelly R. Iverson and Christopher W. Skinner’s Mark as Story: Retrospect and Prospect,” Andrews University Seminary Studies 50 (Spring 2012): 51-59.
  • T. Shepherd. “Review of Bible Works 9” in Andrews University Seminary Studies 50 (Spring 2012): 79-80.
  • R. Stefanovis. "Does God Know the Future." In Always Prepared: Answers to Questions about Our Faith, ed. Humberto M. Rasi and Nancy J. Vyhmeister, 163-172. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2012. http://www.amazon.ca/Always-Prepared-Answers-Questions-about/dp/0816325022
  • R. Stefanovis. "Gift of Prophecy and the Church: A Biblical Perspective." Ellen White and Current Issues Symposium 7 (2011; published 2012): 39-69.  http://www.memorymeaningfaith.org/blog/2011/04/2011-egw-symposium-gift-of-prophecy-and-the-church.html
  • R. Stefanovis. "Can Humans Know the Future?" Adventist Review. September 13, 2012 pp. 26-28. http://www.adventistreview.org/issue.php?issue=2012-1525&page=26

Old Testament

Theology and Christian Philosophy

World Mission

  • B. L. Bauer. “Aren’t All Religions Basically the Same?” In Always Prepared: Answers to Questions about Our Faith, edited by Humerto M. Rasi and Nancy J. Vyhmeister, 173-182. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2012.  http://www.amazon.ca/Always-Prepared-Answers-Questions-about/dp/0816325022
  • B. L. Bauer. “Usando Informação e Oração Para Mobilizar Para a Missão.” Foco na Pessoa. Vol. 1, No. 4 (2012): 24-27. http://www.foconapessoa.org.br/?page_id=272
  • W. Kuhn. “Language and Theology.” In Estudos em Linguagem e Educação. Academic Collection of Studies in Language and Education (Coletânea Acadêmica de Estudos em Letras e Educação, CAELE). Khalil Salem, Ed. Pp. 261-277. São Paulo, Brazil: Editora Fiuza. 2012. Book chapter co-authored with Khalil Salem Sugui. http://coletaneacaele.wordpress.com/livros/
  • W. Kuhn. “Theological Education as Mission,” in The Book and the Student—Theological Education as Mission: A Festschrift Honoring José Carlos Ramos, Wagner Kuhn, ed. Pp. 13-22. (Berrien Springs, MI: Department of World Mission, Andrews University). 2012.
  • W. Kuhn. “The Gospel as Holistic Mission: Perspectives from the New Testament.” In The Book and the Student—Theological Education as Mission: A Festschrift Honoring José Carlos Ramos, Wagner Kuhn, ed. Pp. 215-237. (Berrien Springs, MI: Department of World Mission, Andrews University). 2012.
  • W. Kuhn. “Teologia e Missão: A Linguagem Transcultural do Evangelho Integral.” Foco na Pessoa, Vol. 1, No. 4 (2012): 28-32. http://www.foconapessoa.org.br/?page_id=145


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