2014 Faculty General Publications
The following are the general publications of Andrews University faculty members published in 2014. Students are indicated by italics.
College of Arts and Sciences
Behavioral Sciences
R. Chelbegean. The Adventure of a Calling. Curierul Adventist (The Romanian Adventist Review), August 2014, 24.
D. Sedlacek, D. C. McBride, R. Drumm, A. M. Baltazar, R. Chelbegean, G. Hopkins, E. Oliver, and W. Thompson. Seminary Training, Role Demands, Family Stressors and Strategies for Alleviation of Stressors in Pastors’ Families, Final Report to the North American Division. September 8, 2014.
G. Hopkins and D. McBride. Bouncing Back: a challenge creates a champion embrace it. Pp. 78-82, in M. Finely and P. Landless (eds.), Health and Wellness: Secrets That Will Change Your Life. Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2014.
A.M. Baltazar, K. Conopio, G. Hopkins, D. McBride. Frequent family dinners protect our children. Pp. 52-54, in Elaine and Willie Oliver (eds.), Building Family Memories. General Conference Department of Family Ministries: Lincoln, NE, 2014. http://adventist.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/48793/FM_Planbook-2015.pdf
G.L. Hopkins, D.C. McBride, B. Featherston, P. Gleason, J. Moreno. Decades of Research Shows Adolescents Do Better With Community Service Rather than Incarceration. The Advocate 57 (6/7), 56-61, 2014. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/260366001_Decades_of_Research_ Shows_Adolescents_Do_Better_With_Community_Service_Rather_than_Incarceration
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Rachel Williams-Smith. Born Yesterday: The True Story of a Girl Born in the 20th Century but Raised in the 19th. Xulon Press, 2014.
History and Political Science
Brian E. Strayer. Romans Were Known for Their Aquaducks: And Other Gems of Wit and Wisdom in Western Civilization. Albany, NY: Spiderwort Press, 2014.
International Language Studies
Pedro A. Navia. “El dia que Fabiana no esperaba” / “The Day Fabiana Never Expected.” Pp. xiv-xxi, in El Cuervo 2, University of Puerto Rico, 2014.
Kathleen M. Demsky. 2014 Waldensian Tour Guide. School of Architecture, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI.
Kathleen M. Demsky. Environmental Design Research Association Annual Bibliographic Publication- EDRA 45. Architecture Resource Center, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, 2014.
Sarah Kimakwa. James White Library Hidden Treasures- Isaac Newton: Early Adventist Pioneer? A Physicist’s Perspective. ASDAL Action 33 (3), Spring 2014, 7-9. http://works.bepress.com/sarah_kimakwa/8/
Sarah Kimakwa. What Does Homecoming 2014 Have to do with Booksigning? ASDAL Action 34 (1), Fall 2014, 41-42. http://works.bepress.com/sarah_kimakwa/10/
Marianne Kordas. Program notes. Christmas Concert. Camerata Milwaukee. Milwaukee, WI. December 6, 2014.
Marianne Kordas. About the Music. The Howard Presents: A Christmas Celebration with a Soulful Touch. Howard Performing Arts Center. Berrien Springs, MI. December 6, 2014.
Marianne Kordas. About the Music. The Howard Presents: An Evening of Love Songs with Charles and Julie Reid. Howard Performing Arts Center. Berrien Springs, MI. November 15, 2014.
Marianne Kordas. About the Music. AUSO: Trynchuk Plays the Glazunov Violin Concerto. Howard Performing Arts Center. Berrien Springs, MI. October 25, 2014.
Marianne Kordas. Program notes. A Baroque Tapestry. Camerata Milwaukee. Milwaukee, WI. October 18, 2014.
Marianne Kordas. About the Music. The Howard Presents: The Petar Jankovic Ensemble. Howard Performing Arts Center. Berrien Springs, MI. September 7, 2014.
Marianne Kordas. Program notes. Bach & Sons. Camerata Milwaukee. Milwaukee, WI. May 17, 2014.
Marianne Kordas. About the Music. AUSO and Choirs: J. S. Bach St.Matthew Passion. Howard Performing Arts Center. Berrien Springs, MI. April 19, 2014.
Marianne Kordas. Program notes. Vivaldi: An Evening of Concerti. Camerata Milwaukee. Milwaukee, WI. March 29, 2014.
Marianne Kordas. About the Music. The Howard Presents: Piano Trios. Howard Performing Arts Center. Berrien Springs, MI. March 8, 2014.
Marianne Kordas. About the Music. AUSO Symphony Orchestra Concert. Howard Performing Arts Center. Berrien Springs, MI. February 22, 2014.
Marianne Kordas. About the Music. The Howard Presents: Faith Esham. Howard Performing Arts Center. Berrien Springs, MI. January 18, 2014.
Terry Robertson and Nancy Jean Vyhmeister. Quality Research Papers: For Students of Religion and Theology, 3rd ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2014.
Xiaoming Xu. Never too old to learn. In Ami Hendrickson (ed.), Homecoming: True stories of friendship, faith and finding fellowship in God’s family [Kindle edition], MuseInks July 27, 2014
Xiaoming Xu. Kathy Demsky. Michigan Library Association Website, December 11, 2014. http://www.milibraries.org/member-spotlight---kathy-demsky/
Xiaoming Xu. Member benefits from Professional mentoring. Michigan Library Association Website, September 18, 2014. http://www.milibraries.org/member-benefits-from-professional-mentoring/
Xiaoming Xu. My mentors at James White Library — Bytes & Bits. ASDAL Action 33 (2), Winter 2014.
Leanne M. Sigvartsen, Jan A. Sigvartsen, and Paul B. Petersen. Beyond Beliefs: What Millenial young adults really think of the 28 Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. ClergyEd.com and Andrews University (2014).
Paul B. Petersen. Jeg siger ‘Ja’ (“I say ‘Yes’”). Adventnyt, June 2014, 18-19.
Paul B. Petersen. ‘The Holy Spirit and We Have Decided’ (Acts 15:28) – Reflections on the Authority of the Office. Pp. 183-198 in Reindar Bruinsma (ed.), Faith: In Search of Depth and Relevancy: Festschrift in Honour of Dr Bertil Wiklander, St. Albans, England: Trans-European Division, 2014.
Social Work
D. Sedlacek, D. C. McBride, R. Drumm, A. M. Baltazar, R. Chelbegean, G. Hopkins, E. Oliver, and W. Thompson. Seminary Training, Role Demands, Family Stressors and Strategies for Alleviation of Stressors in Pastors’ Families, Final Report to the North American Division. September 8, 2014.
A.M. Baltazar, K. Conopio, G. Hopkins, D. McBride. Frequent family dinners protect our children. Pp. 52-54, in Elaine and Willie Oliver (eds.), Building Family Memories. General Conference Department of Family Ministries: Lincoln, NE, 2014. http://adventist.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/48793/FM_Planbook-2015.pdf
School of Architecture, Art & Design
Visual Art & Design
Greg Constantine. Jesus of New York (translated to Un Isus newyorkez). Amicus, Romania. 2014.
David Sherwin. Photos in Photo Safari 2014: The Holbrook Indian School Project. October 2014.
School of Business Administration
Accounting, Economics & Finance
Management, Marketing & Information Systems
J. Chi and G. Chi. Practicing Religion and Deep Commitment: We need to get into it? LDSC Journal 92 (4), August, 18-19, 2014.
Bruce Wrenn, David Loudon and Albert Della Bitta. Consumer Behavior: Putting Theory into Practice. Saint Paul, MN: Textbook Media Press, 2014.
School of Education
Graduate Psychology & Counseling
Ron Coffen. Electronic Health Record Database Software, 2014.
Tevni Grajales. La lección de humildad. Revista El Centinela, September 2014, 26-27.
J. Kijai, L. Burton, V. Sauder, R. Weaver, J. Katenga, and C. Moniyung. College Impact: A study of the college experiences of alumni of Adventist college/universities and Adventist graduates of public colleges/universities in North America. Silver Springs, MD: Association of Adventist Colleges and Universities, 2014.
Teaching, Learning & Curriculum
J. Kijai, L.D. Burton, V. Sauder, R. Weaver, J.E. Katenga and C. Moniyung. College impact: A study of the college experiences of alumni of Adventist colleges/universities and Adventist graduates of public colleges/universities in North America. Berrien Springs, MI: Association of Adventist Colleges and Universities, 2014.
School of Health Professions
J. Chi and G. Chi. Practicing Religion and Deep Commitment: We need to get into it? LDSC Journal 92 (4), August, 18-19, 2014.
Gisela Schmidt. Enhancing Leadership Skills in Clinical Practicum: A Medical Surgical Nursing Class Experience. Athens Institute for Education and Research Conference Paper Series. 2014. http://www.atiner.gr/papers/HSC2014-0920.pdf
David Sedlacek and Beverly Sedlacek. Cleansing the Sanctuary of the Heart: Tools for Emotional Healing (2nd Edition). Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing Enterprises, 2014.
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
Christian Ministry/NADEI
Russell Burrill and Tom L. Evans. Creating Healthy Adventist Churches Through Natural Church Development. NADEI. Collegedale, TN: College Press, 2014.
Tom L. Evans. Are We Still a Movement. Adventist World, May 2014, 14-15. http://www.adventistworld.org/images/issues/2014/may/2014-1005.pdf
K. Hall and S. J. Kidder. The place to be: The story of One Place. Pp. 37-46, in K. Hall and S. J. Kidder (eds.), Youth Speak: The Church Listens. Lincoln, NE: Advent Source, 2014.
S. Joseph Kidder. Quatre Grands Secrets pour une vie d-église épanouie (The Big Four). Dammarie-les-Lys Cedex, France: Editions Vie et Sante, 2014.
S. Joseph Kidder. Und Sie Wächst Doch! (The Big Four). Luneburg, Germany: Advent-Verlag, 2014.
S. Joseph Kidder. Creating Exciting Family Worship. Pp. 62-67, in Elaine Oliver and Willie Oliver (eds.), Building Family Memories. Silver Spring, MD: The General Conference Department of Family Ministries, 2014. http://adventist.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/48793/FM_Planbook-2015.pdf
S. Joseph Kidder. An Overview of the 160 Symposium Think Tank. Pp. v-vi, in K. Hall and S. J. Kidder (eds.), Youth Speak: The Church Listens. Lincoln, NE: Advent Source, 2014.
S. Joseph Kidder. Gott tut das Unmögliche. Adventisten heute, February 2014, 8-10.
S. Joseph Kidder. . . . und sie wächst doch! Adventisten heute, February 2014, 11-13.
S. Joseph Kidder and D. Penno. Friendship Evangelism: Making Connections for Christ. Adventist Review, June 19, 2014, 18-21. http://www.adventistreview.org/141517-18
S. Joseph Kidder. The Missing Ingredient. Adventist World NAD Edition, November 2014, 32-39. http://issuu.com/adventistworldmagazine/docs/aw_november_2014_nad/1?e=2948086/9947020
S. Joseph Kidder. Qualifications and Work of the Elder. Kidder’s Column, Elder’s Digest, January-March 2014, 29. http://www.eldersdigest.org/assets/eldersdigest.org/archives/ED%20Q1%202014.pdf
S. Joseph Kidder. 5 Ways to Rate Your Church. Kidder’s Column, Elder’s Digest, April-June 2014, 31. http://www.eldersdigest.org/assets/eldersdigest.org/archives/ED%20Q2%202014.pdf
S. Joseph Kidder. Great Loves. Kidder’s Column, Elder’s Digest, July-September 2014, 31. http://www.eldersdigest.org/assets/eldersdigest.org/archives/ED%20Q3%202014.pdf
S. Joseph Kidder. Training Worshipers: A Key to Effective Worship. Kidder’s Column, Elder’s Digest, October-December 2014, 31. http://www.eldersdigest.org/assets/eldersdigest.org/archives/ED%20Q4%202014.pdf
Ricardo Norton. Semana Santa: Como llega a nuestros días. El Centinela, April 2014, 25-27.
Hyveth Williams. Interesting Facts & Curiosities About Women in the Bible. In General Conference Women’s Ministries and Editorial Safeliz (eds.) Women’s Bible. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing, 2014.
Hyveth Williams. Not Mastered by Anything (Parts 1, 2 & 3). Pp. 186-188, in Ardis Stenbakken and Carolyn Rathbun Sutton (eds.), Altogether Lovely: Devotions by Women for Women. Hagerstown, MD: Review & Herald Publishing Association, 2014.
Hyveth Williams. A Few Words About Jesus. Back to Basics, Adventist Review, January 17, 2014, 23.
Hyveth Williams. Fasting For A Reason. Back to Basics, Adventist Review, April 18, 2014, 25.
Hyveth Williams. Why Pray? Back to Basics, Adventist Review, June 20, 2014. http://www.adventistreview.org/141517-25
Hyveth Williams. No Regrets. Back to Basics, Adventist Review, August 28, 2014, 27.
Hyveth Williams. Pressing Forward. Back to Basics, Adventist Review, October 23, 2014, 27. http://www.adventistreview.org/141530-27
Church History
P. Gerard Damsteegt, William A. Fagal, Clinton Wahlen, et. Al. Position Summary #1. Pp. 25-60, in General Conference Theology of Ordination Study Committee Report. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, June 2014. http://www.adventistarchives.org/final-tosc-report.pdf
Nicholas P. Miller. The Pastor and the Law (Handbook/Workbook). Berrien Springs, MI: Freedom Law Media, 2014.
Nicholas P. Miller. America’s Founding Protestant Philosophy. Liberty, January/February 2014, 24-31. http://www.libertymagazine.org/article/americas-founding-protestant-philosophy
Nicholas P. Miller. Is Religion a Hobby: The Ongoing Saga of Hobby Lobby Versus ‘Obamacare.’ Liberty, July/August 2014, 8-12. http://www.libertymagazine.org/article/is-religion-a-hobby
Nicholas P. Miller. Religion Is Not a Hobby. Liberty, September/October 2014. http://www.libertymagazine.org/article/religion-is-not-a-hobby
Nicholas P. Miller. Position Summary #3. Pp. 1-20, in General Conference Theology of Ordination Study Committee Report. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, October 2014. https://www.adventistarchives.org/position-summary-3.pdf
Jerry Moon. George R. Knight as a Teacher. Pp. 55-61, in Gilbert M. Valentine and Woodrow W. Whidden (eds.), Adventist Maverick: Celebrating the Work of George R. Knight. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2014.
Discipleship & Religious Education
John Matthews. A Cheshire Cat in the World of Christian Education. Pp. 37-46, in Gilbert M. Valentine and Woodrow W. Whidden (eds.), Adventist Maverick: Celebrating the Work of George R. Knight. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2014.
David Sedlacek and Beverly Sedlacek. Cleansing the Sanctuary of the Heart: Tools for Emotional Healing (2nd Edition). Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing Enterprises, 2014.
D. Sedlacek, D. C. McBride, R. Drumm, A. M. Baltazar, R. Chelbegean, G. Hopkins, E. Oliver, and W. Thompson. Seminary Training, Role Demands, Family Stressors and Strategies for Alleviation of Stressors in Pastors’ Families, Final Report to the North American Division. September 8, 2014.
New Testament
Felix Cortez. VIPs Only: Who Said God Is Fair? Adventist Review, December 24, 2014.
Teresa Reeve. Some Thoughts on Nonconformity in the Adventist Ethos. Pp. 219-230, in William G Johnsson and Robert John Suderman (eds.), Living the Christian Life in Today’s World: A Conversation between Mennonite World Conference and the Seventh-day Adventist Church 2011-2012. Silver Spring, MD: Public Affairs & Religious Liberty Department, 2014.
Teresa Reeve. Mission and Shame: Lessons from Jesus’ Interaction with the Pharisees and Law-Scholars in Luke 11:37-54. Pp. 203-218, in Bruce Bauer (ed.), Shame and Honor: Presenting Biblical Themes in Shame & Honor Contexts. Berrien Springs: Department of World Missions, 2014.
Thomas Shepherd. Judge Not. Perspective Digest 19 (1), January 2014. http://www.perspectivedigest.org/?issue=19-1
Thomas Shepherd. Choosing a Bible Translation, part 1. Perspective Digest 19 (2), March 2014. http://www.perspectivedigest.org/?issue=19-2
Thomas Shepherd. Choosing a Bible Translation, part 2. Perspective Digest 19 (3), June 2014. http://www.perspectivedigest.org/?issue=19-3
Thomas Shepherd. Sometimes Addition Is Subtraction. Perspective Digest 19 (4), September 2014. http://www.perspectivedigest.org/?issue=19-4
Old Testament
Richard M. Davidson. Shame and Honor in the Beginning: A Study of Genesis 4. Pp. 43-76, in Bruce Bauer (ed.), Shame and Honor: Presenting Biblical Themes in Shame & Honor Contexts. Berrien Springs: Department of World Missions, 2014.
Jacques B. Doukhan. Proverbs. Pacific Press. Nampa, ID. 2014.
Jacques B. Doukhan. Proverbs: Adult Sabbath School Lesson. Pacific Press. Nampa, ID. 2014.
Jacques B. Doukhan. Interview with Jean Marc Poche for le mauricien newspaper. February, 2014.
Constance E. Gane, Paul Ray and Randall Younker. Jalul in the Nineteenth Century Explorers Accounts. American Schools of Oriental Research Blog. http://asorblog.org/2014/02/25/jalul-in-the-19th-century-explorers-accounts/
Roy Gane. Prohibitions of Homosexual Practice in Leviticus 18 and 20: Moral or Ceremonial? Reflections: The BRI Newsletter 47 (July, 2014), 1-4. https://www.adventistbiblicalresearch.org/materials/bible-ot-texts-practical-christian-living/prohibitions-homosexual-practice-leviticus-18
Gerald A. Klingbeil and Chantal J. Klingbeil. Christ and His Law. Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide: Teachers Edition. Silver Spring, MD: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2014.
Gerald Klingbeil. Route to Roots: Tracking Adventist Pioneers. Adventist World, March 2014, 14–19. http://archives.adventistworld.org/issue.php?issue=2014-1003&page=17
Gerald Klingbeil. And By His Stripes We Were Healed. Adventist World, April 2014, 12–13. http://www.adventistworld.org/2014/august/and-by-his-stripes-we-are-healed.html
Gerald Klingbeil. Feel the Rhythm—Smell the Roses: Reading biblical poetry in an age of Facebook and Twitter. Adventist Review, April 24, 2014, 14–16. http://www.adventistreview.org/141512-12
Gerald Klingbeil. What Really Counts: When God challenges us to keep eternity in our hearts. Adventist World, November 2014, 12–13. http://www.adventistworld.org/2014/november/what-really-counts.html
Gerald Klingbeil. He Isn’t Even Mine. Adventist Review, December 25, 2014, 18–21. http://www.adventistreview.org/141536-18
Gerald Klingbeil. Revived By His Word study notes on the Book of Lamentations: June 23, 2014 (Lamentation 1), June 24, 2014 (Lamentation 2), June 25, 2014 (Lamentation 3), June 26, 2014 (Lamentation 4), June 27, 2014 (Lamentation 5). www.revivedbyhisword.org
Gerald A. Klingbeil. Review of Fortin, Denis and Moon, Jerry eds., The Ellen G. White Encyclopedia (2013). Adventist Review, March 20, 2014, 29. http://www.adventistreview.org/141508-29
Jiří Moskala. Reflections on the Concept of Shame and Honor in the Biblical Creation and Fall Narratives. Pp. 23-42, in Bruce Bauer (ed.), Shame and Honor: Presenting Biblical Themes in Shame & Honor Contexts. Berrien Springs: Department of World Missions, 2014.
Jiří Moskala. El libro de Daniel y la tesis macabea: Mi peregrinaje personal (The book of Daniel and the maccabean thesis: my personal journey). Didajé 1 (2), 5–13, 2013. [ 2014] http://www.academia.edu/6229237/Ji%C5%99%C3%AD_Moskala_El_libro_de_Daniel_y_la _tesis_macabea_Mi_peregrinaje_personal
Jiří Moskala. Comer y beber: Una perspectiva adventista (Eating and drinking: an Adventist perspective). Berit Olam 11 (2), 57–67, 2014.
Jiří Moskala. Zurück zur Schöpfung: Wie eine schlüssige adventistische Bibelauslegung aussehen kann. Adventisten Heute and Adventist World 8, August 2014, 8–14. http://www.advent-verlag.de/cms/cms/upload/adventistenheute/AH-2014-08/AH-2014-08.pdf
Jiří Moskala. The Sabbath in the First Creation Account. Surge in America, April 2014, 45–53. Cited April 22, 2014. Reprinted from Perspective Digest 12 (2), 45–53, 2007. http://www.perspectivedigest.org/publication_file.php?pub_id=365&journal=1&type=pdf
Jiří Moskala. God Calls Women. Current 2, Fall 2014, 1.
Jiří Moskala. God’s Scandal in the Book of Job. Current 2, Fall 2014, 21–23.
Theology and Christian Philosophy
Jo Ann Davidson. Christians and Creation Care. Lake Union Herald 106 (10), Nov-Dec 2014, 14-17. http://luc.adventist.org/Herald%20Site%20PDFs/Vol106-10.pdf
Jo Ann Davidson. Women in the Bible: General Introduction. P. 15 in General Conference Women’s Ministries and Editorial Safeliz (eds.), Women’s Bible. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing, 2014.
Jo Ann Davidson. Women in the Five Books of Moses. Pp. 19-22 in General Conference Women’s Ministries and Editorial Safeliz (eds.), Women’s Bible. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing, 2014.
Jo Ann Davidson. Women in the Time of the Judges. Pp. 291-292, in General Conference Women’s Ministries and Editorial Safeliz (eds.), Women’s Bible. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing, 2014.
Jo Ann Davidson. Women in the Historical Books. Pp. 367-370, in General Conference Women’s Ministries and Editorial Safeliz (eds.), Women’s Bible. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing, 2014.
Jo Ann Davidson. Women in Wisdom Literature. P. 666, in General Conference Women’s Ministries and Editorial Safeliz (eds.), Women’s Bible. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing, 2014.
Jo Ann Davidson. Women in the Books of the Prophets. P. 874, in General Conference Women’s Ministries and Editorial Safeliz (eds.), Women’s Bible. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing, 2014.
Jo Ann Davidson. Women in the Gospels. Pp. 1211-1220, in General Conference Women’s Ministries and Editorial Safeliz (eds.), Women’s Bible. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing, 2014.
Jo Ann Davidson. Women in the Book of Acts. P. 1389, in General Conference Women’s Ministries and Editorial Safeliz (eds.) Women’s Bible. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing, 2014.
Jo Ann Davidson. Women in the Letters and Epistles. Pp. 1438-1440, in General Conference Women’s Ministries and Editorial Safeliz (eds.), Women’s Bible. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing, 2014.
Jo Ann Davidson. Women in the Apocalypse. P. 1582, in General Conference Women’s Ministries and Editorial Safeliz (eds.), Women’s Bible. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing, 2014.
Denis Fortin. Contributions to Adventist Theology. Pp. 133-143, in Gilbert M. Valentine and Woodrow W. Whidden (eds.), Adventist Maverick: Celebrating the Work of George R. Knight. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2014.
Denis Fortin. Adventist Concepts of Discipleship and Nonconformity. Pp. 90-99, in Carol E. Rasmussen (ed.), Living the Christian Life in Today’s World: A Conversation Between World Mennonite Conference and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Silver Spring, MD: Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2014.
Denis Fortin. A Perspective on Seventh-day Adventist Hermeneutics. Pp. 247-259, in Carol E. Rasmussen (ed.), Living the Christian Life in Today’s World: A Conversation Between World Mennonite Conference and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Silver Spring, MD: Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2014.
Denis Fortin and Jerry Moon. The Ellen G. White Encyclopedia: A New Resource for the Church. Adventist World, April 2014, 22-23. http://www.adventistworld.org/2014/august/the-ellen-g-white-encyclopedia-a-new-resource-for-the-church.html
Denis Fortin. Review of Aamodt, Terrie Dopp, Gary Land, and Ronald L. Numbers, eds. Ellen Harmon White: American Prophet (2014). Spectrum 42 (2), 39-43, 2014.
Darius Jankiewicz. Authority of the Christian Leader. Current Magazine 2, 28-39, 2014.
Darius Jankiewicz. Serving Like Jesus: Authority in God’s Church. Adventist Review, March 14, 2014, 16-20. http://www.adventistreview.org/141507-16
World Mission
Gordon Doss. Shame/Honor, Guilt/Innocence, Fear/Power. Pp. 90-98, in Bruce L. Bauer (ed.), Shame and Honor: Presenting Biblical Themes in Shame and Honor Contexts. Berrien Springs, MI: Department of World Mission, Andrews University, 2014.
Gordon Doss. Vergonha/Honra, Culpa/Inocencia, Medo/Poder (Shame and Honor, Guilt and Innocence, Power and Fear). Foco na Pessoa 3 (1), 38-44, 2014. http://www.foconapessoa.org.br/edicao-1o-trimestre-2014/
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