BSPH Bachelor of Science in Public Health in Environmental Health & Social and Behavioral Sciences [NEW] - CEPH Accredited

"Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou has made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all."
-Nehemiah 9:6
BSPH Program Mission:
To prepare public health professionals who can plan, manage, evaluate, and solve public health problems in the public and private sector. This mission will improve the health and well-being of individuals, communities, and populations while preparing students to become Christ-centered scholars and global leaders in public health.
The Bachelor of Science in Public Health at Andrews University is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH)

CEPH Accredited
Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH)
1010 Wayne Avenue, Suite 220
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Program Description
The Bachelor of Science in Public Health program is designed for students pursuing a professional degree in the field of Environmental Public Health and/or Social and Behavioral Science. This program is the first of its kind at the undergraduate level in the Adventist Education System that provides a concentration in Environmental Health and Social & Behavioral Sciences.
The BSPH program aims to improve human health through the development and application of knowledge that prevents disease, protects the public from harmful substances in the environment, and promotes public health at the local, national, and global levels. A degree in BSPH also prepares students for certification as a Registered Environmental Health Specialists (REHS) that qualifies for entry-level positions in the field of environmental health.
Our program is recommended for pre-medical, pre-dental students wishing to secure a job while preparing for medical, dental, or physical therapy, physician’s assistant, and pharmacy schools.
This degree provides an excellent foundation for pursuing the online Master of Public Health public (MPH) degree at Andrews University or any MPH degree in general. Employment of environmental scientists and specialists is projected to grow 11 percent from 2014 to 2024 faster than the average for all occupations.
Program Concentrations
Environmental Health Concentration:
The Environmental Health concentration is an excellent option for pre-med students and students with career interests as environmental health scientists or specialists or environmental engineers. Environmental health focuses on implementing solutions to environmental problems by working either on an environmental health platform or with state and local government. In this ever-changing world, the goal is to restore quality to both the natural environment and quality of life. The job outlook for environmental scientists and specialists is projected to grow 11 percent faster than the average for all occupations from 2016 to 2026. The median pay is $68,910 per year.
Social and Behavioral Sciences Concentration:
The Social and Behavioral Sciences concentration addresses individual lifestyle factors, social and community networks and the general socioeconomic, cultural and environmental conditions that impact the health of the public. It focuses on holistic approaches to disease prevention through changes in lifestyles and behaviors in the context of the socio-economic and cultural aspects of individuals. The concentration is designed for students pursuing public health careers as health educators, public health social workers, substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors, preventive care, doctor of osteopathic medicine, research, and policy. Careers may also be pursued in business, politics, government, and law. Job outlook (2016-2016) for public health counselors is projected to grow 23% faster than the average for all occupations. The median pay is $42,150 per year.
Become a Problem Solver By
Improving your community’s health
Creating solutions that transform the quality of life for the public through environmental health
Study At The Only Adventist BSPH In Environmental Health & Social and Behavioral Sciences Program in The Country
Seventh-day Adventists believe that humankind was created in the image of God, thus representing God as His stewards, to rule the natural environment in a faithful and fruitful way.
Unfortunately, corruption and exploitation of the Earth's resources have resulted in widespread suffering, environmental disarray, and the threat of climate change. While scientific research needs to continue, it is clear from the accumulated evidence that the increasing emission of destructive gasses, the depletion of the protective mantel of ozone, the massive destruction of the American forests, and the so-called greenhouse effect, are all threatening the earth’s eco-system.
Seventh-day Adventists advocate a simple, wholesome lifestyle, where people do not step on the treadmill of unbridled consumerism, goods-getting, and production of waste. We call for respect of creation, restraint in the use of the world’s resources, reevaluation of one’s needs, and reaffirmation of the dignity of created life.
*This statement was approved and voted by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Administrative Committee (ADCOM).
Learn more about what environmental health specialists do by watching the video produced by the Association of Environmental Health Programs. The mission of the Association of Environmental Health Academic Programs (AEHAP) is to support environmental health education to assure the optimal health of people and the environment.
Environmental Health Careers from AEHAP on Vimeo.
Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) Environmental Health Curriculum
Total Credits: 124
Major: 50-51
Major Core: 30
Concentration: 20-21
Major: Public Health Core Requirements - 30
PBHL 105 - Intro to Public Health Credits: 3
PBHL 311 - Biostatistics Credits: 3
PBHL 321 - Epidemiology Credits: 3
PBHL 308 - Environmental Health Credits: 3
PBHL 345 - Health Behavior & Chronic Diseases Credits: 3
BSAD 380 - Healthcare Foundations Credits: 3
FDNT 230 - Nutrition Credits: 3
FDNT 498 - Research Methods Credits: 2
PBHL 315 - Environmental Toxicology Credits: 3
PBHL 475 - Experiential Activities Credits: 2
2 Credits of PBHL 480 - Seminar in Current Environmental Health Topics Credits: 1, 2
Concentration 20-21
PBHL 320 - Water & Air Quality Credits: 3
PBHL 425 - Environmental Risk & Policy Credits: 2
PBHL 445 - Environmental Sampling & Analysis Credits: 2
*AGRI 345 - Topics Environmental Leadership & Sustainability 3
**ENGR 475 - Topics: Sustainability & Environment 3
Additional Elective Options (any two)
SOCI 408 - Emergency Preparedness Credits: 3
ARCH 336 - Environmental Technology II Credits: 4
FDNT 124 Food Science Credits: 3
FDNT 310 Nutrition in the lifecycle: 3
PSYC 366 Drugs and Behavior 3
PSYC 471 Behavior modification 3
RELT 348 Christians and the Environment: 3
*May be substituted with HORT 365 Urban Landscape Design or HORT 150 iGrow or any health promotion classes including Fitness courses as suggested by the advisor
**May be substituted with ARCH 336 - Environmental Technology I or any health promotion classes including Fitness courses as suggested by the advisor.
Cognates – 21
*BIOL 165 - Foundations of Biology Credits: 4,5
**BIOL 166 - Foundations of Biology Credits: 4,5
***CHEM 131 - General Chemistry I Credits: 4
BIOL 260 - General Microbiology Credits: 4
PBHL 440 Fundamentals of Spirituality and Ethics 3
*May be substituted with BIOL 221 Anatomy and Physiology 1
**May be substituted with BIOL 222 Anatomy & Physiology II
***May be substituted with CHEM 100 Consumer Chemistry
Premed track cognates: 34
CHEM 131 - General Chemistry I Credits: 4
CHEM 132 - General Chemistry II Credits: 4
PHYS 141 - General Physics I Credits: 4
PHYS 142 - General Physics II Credits: 4
BIOL 165 - Foundations of Biology Credits: 4,5
BIOL 166 - Foundations of Biology Credits: 4,5
CHEM 231 - Organic Chemistry I Credits: 3
CHEM 232 - Organic Chemistry II Credits: 3
CHEM 241 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory I Credits: 1
CHEM 242 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory II Credits: 1
BSPH Social and Behavioral Sciences Concentration
Total Credits for the program 124 credits.
Major 53
Major Core: 30
Concentration: 23
Major: Public Health Core -30 credits
PBHL 105 - Intro to Public Health Credits: 3
PBHL 311 - Biostatistics Credits: 3
PBHL 321 - Epidemiology Credits: 3
PBHL 308 - Environmental Health Credits: 3
PBHL 345 - Health Behavior & Chronic Diseases Credits: 3
BSAD 380 - Healthcare Foundations Credits: 3
FDNT 230 - Nutrition Credits: 3
FDNT 498 - Research Methods Credits: 2
PBHL 315 - Environmental Toxicology Credits: 3
PBHL 475 - Experiential Activities Credits: 2
2 Credits of PBHL 480 - Seminar in Current Topics Credits: 1, 2
Concentration 23
SOCI 350 - Social Policy Credits: 2
PSYC 319 - Stress Management Credits: 3
PSYC 366 - Drugs and Behavior Credits: 3
FTES 445 - Exercise Testing and Prescription Credits: 3
PSYC 471 Behavior Modification: 3
SOCI 420 - Medical Sociology Credits: 3
SOCI 425 - Racial and Ethnic Relations Credits: 3
Electives (any one)
SOCI 445 Development Policy & Analysis: 3
PSYC 460 Psychology of Abnormal behavior : 3
ANTH 455 Ethnography: 3
SOCI 408 Emergency preparedness
Cognates – 14
*BIOL 221 Anatomy & Physiology 1 credits 4
**BIOL 222 Anatomy & Physiology II credits 4
PSYC 210 - Introduction to Health Psychology Credits: 3
PBHL 440 - Fundamentals of Spirituality & Ethics in Healthcare Credits: 3
*May be substituted with BIOL 165 Foundations of Biology
**May be substituted with BIOL 166 Foundations of Biology
Graduation Requirements
Graduation is dependent upon the completion of all curriculum requirements for the professional BSPH degree with the maintenance of/At least a minimum of overall GPA of 2.85
A minimum GPA of 2.75 in all didactic and science courses
No grade below C- is accepted for prerequisite and cognate courses (or below a C for didactic courses).
At least 124 semester hours are recommended for graduation.
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