Download the Book of Common Prayer.

Almost as soon as I publicized this site's existence, people began asking me if it was possible to download the files from this website, either all at once or for particular services. For a long time, it wasn't. I'd thought about creating ASCII files for download, but each time I thought about it I got caught up in the problems of preserving as much of the formatting as is necessary to make the files usable: the online version uses color and typeface to distinguish rubrics and instructions from spoken text. When I tried to translate the files into ASCII, I lost a lot of that information. So every time I tried to put together downloadable files, I threw up my hands and decided to wait until I got a better idea of how to do it.

I finally decided to make several sets of downloadable files available. I have zipped the files together into "collections", which correspond to the organization of the Site Directory. Not all of the files are available in all of the formats.

Since you are already looking at a downloaded version of these files, it doesn't make sense for me to include the links to all of the downloadable files and include the zips within the zips. If you need to download something again, you can do so from the "live" version of this page.

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