Site Directory.

Instructions and Notes:
    How to use this site.*
    A note about my sources.
    Download the Book of Common Prayer.
    Alternations and amendments since 1662.
    Some notes on the festivals of the Church.

The Book of Common Prayer (1662):
    Introductory Matter:
        Title Page.
        How to follow the Service.
        The Contents of this book.
        The Act of Uniformity.
        The Preface.
        Concerning the Service of the Church.
        Of Ceremonies.

    Informational Material:
        Rules to Order the Service.
        The Order how the Psalter is appointed to be read.
        The Order how the rest of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.
        A Table of Proper Lessons (for Sundays and Holy-days) and Psalms.
            (See also: The 1662 Table of Proper Lessons for Sundays and Holy-days.)
        The Calendar, with the Table of Lessons.
            (See also: The 1662 Kalendar, with the Table of Lessons.)
            (See also: The text of lessons taken from The Apocrypha.)
        The Revised Tables of Lessons Measure.
        The Revised Tables of Lessons (1922).
        Tables and Rules for the Feasts and Fasts through the whole Year.
            (See also: Certain Solemn Days, for which Particular Services are Appointed.)

    The Daily Offices:
        The Order for Morning Prayer.
        The Order for Evening Prayer.
        At Morning Prayer.
        The Litany.
        Prayers and Thanksgivings.

    The Holy Communion:
        Collects, Epistles, and Gospels.
        Holy Communion.

    The Baptismal Offices:
        Publick Baptism of Infants.
        Private Baptism of Children.
        Baptism of those of Riper Years.
        A Catechism.
        The Order of Confirmation.

    The Occasional Offices:
        The Solemnization of Matrimony.
        The Visitation of the Sick.
        The Communion of the Sick.
        The Burial of the Dead.
        The Churching of Women.
        A Commination.
        (See also: Extra Occasional Offices since 1662.)

    The Psalter.

    Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea.

    The Ordinal:
        The Preface.
        The Form of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons.

    The State Services:
        Forms of Prayer for the Anniversary of the day of the Accession of the Reigning Sovereign.
            (See also: Certain Solemn Days, for which Particular Services are Appointed.)

    The Thirty-Nine Articles:
        Title Page.
        His Majesty's Declaration.
        Articles of Religion.

    A Table of Kindred and Affinity.
        (See also: The 1662 Table of Kindred and Affinity.)

The Book of Common Prayer before 1662:
    Outlines of Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer from 1549 to 1662.
    The Holy Communion services from 1549 (in original and modernized spelling) and 1552.
    Supplementary Collects, Epistles, and Gospels from 1549.

Supplementary Materials Since 1662:
    The Form and Order of Service for the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

*Note. -- Items in italics are supplementary materials not found in current editions of The Book of Common Prayer.

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