How to follow the Service

Morning Prayer

Open at Morning Prayer, and continue to Venite.

Psalms (as announced).

First Lesson from the Old Testament, then:
Either Te Deum or Benedicite.

Second Lesson from the New Testament, then:
Either Benedictus or Jubilate Deo.

The Apostles' Creed (or, on certain days, the Athanasian Creed) and continue to the end of the Third Collect.

Prayers for the Queen &c., (sometimes including the General Thanksgiving.)

Evening Prayer

Open at Evening Prayer, and continue to the end of the responses.

Psalms (as announced).

First Lesson from the Old Testament, then:
Either Magnificat or Cantate Domino.

Second Lesson from the New Testament, then:
Either Nunc Dimittis or Deus Misereatur.

The Apostles' Creed and continue to the end of the Third Collect.

Prayers for the Queen &c., (sometimes including the General Thanksgiving.)

Holy Communion

Open at "Our Father" and continue to Collect for the Queen.

Collect for the Day

Epistle for the Day

Gospel for the Day (all stand).

The Creed (continue standing).

(Notices and Sermon, if any, follow here)

One of the Sentences

Prayer for the Church Militant.

Turn to "Ye that do truly and earnestly", and continue to ". . . Almighty, Everlasting God".

(Here, at certain seasons, follows one of the Proper Prefaces).

Continue from "Therefore with Angels and Archangels" to the Blessing.

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