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Making Music a Ministry
- a 2007 / 08 project
inPrayse - the organization
i n d e x
- 16th century = EG, = EG1962
- 17th century = EG, = EG1962
- 18th century = EG1962
- 1950s = HW
- 1960s = EM, = HW
- 1970s = HW
- 1980s = OS, = PW
- The Alphabet by Mozart = FS
- Amens = UMH
- Antiphonals = KG
- Arabic Adventist Hymnal = Ar
- Arrangements - FS, = Hb1982, = HPS, = R; = SMQ = TH
- Canons = Hb1982, = SC, = TT = W
- Canticles = PH, = SC, = W
- Catechism = KG
- Chant = W
- Children = ES, = FH, = GB, = Hb1982, = HS = R !
= SDAH, = A, = SJ, = TH, = WS
Nursery Rhymes = FS
Tottlers = FP, = SST
- Chimes = LOS
- Choir Specials = CH, = UF
- Chorales = 101
- Choruses = MMP, = SiTi, = YF
- Classics = 100
- Creeds = PH, = UMH
The American Creed = FS
- Descants = Hb1982 = HFG, = Hy, = R
- Duets = Fs
- Early Adventist Hymns = CH
- Fireside songs = LOS
- Folksongs = 100, = SC
- Forests = LA
- German Adventist Hymnals = LA, = UF, = WLG, = ZL, = ZLi
- Guitar cords = AYS, = HW, = LA, = LOS, = MMP = TB, = TT
- Gospel Songs = Fs, = LP, = YF
- Indexes:
English titles = ES
Key and Tempo = PW
- Kenyan Hymnals = K, = NZK, = NZS
- Largo - with text FS
- Love
God's Love for Us
Our Love for God = HFG
Our Love for the Family of God = HFG
Our Love for Others = HFG
- Matins = Sb
- Metronom = Hb1982
- Multi-cultural = JW
- National Songs = FH, = Hb1982, = FS
- Nature songs = HS, = LOS
- Orchestrated, fully = Hy
- Performance Notes = Hb1982, = SC
- Popular Songs = MMP, = SPW
- Prayers
Collects and Prayers = Sb
General = Hb, = Hy
The Bidding Prayer = Sb
Collects and Prayers = Sb
The Lord's Prayer
Private Prayers = W
- Psalter = HPS, = W
- Quartets = Fs, = SMQ
- Radio Favorites = HR
- Russian Adventist Hymnal = RAH
- Scriptures = SDAH, = Hb1982, = HPS, = Hy, = MH, = PH, = PW
= R ! = TH, = UMH,
- Seasons = LA
- Social Worship = CH
- Solo arrangements = Fs, = HW
- Source = ZL
- Spirituals = ANS, = EM, = FS, = JW, = MQ, = TT
- Swedish Pietistic Movement =
- Traditional = 100
- Youth = OS, = SiTi, = SY