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School of Education
Andrews University

Papers Presented:
Peer Reviewed
Freed, Shirley. Establishing Rhythms of Learning and Teaching within the Online Classroom. Paperaccepted for presentation at E-Learn 2003. Pheonix, AZ, November 10,2003.
Freed, Shirley & Annabelle Lopez. Multicultural Teaching Strategies used in SDA schools. Presented at American Educational Research Association - AERA. New Orleans, Louisiana. April 2, 2002.
Freed, Shirley & Marilyn Eggers. Interactions Examined. Poster Session presented at the WEBNET conference. Honolulu, Hawaii. October 26, 1999.
Freed, Shirley & Janine Lim. Connecting to Your Community. Presented at Michigan Association for Computer-related technology Users in Learning. March 11, 1999.
Freed, Shirley & Janine Lim. Telling Community Stories on the Web. Presented at Michigan Education Association. Dearborn, Michigan. December 4, 1998.
Freed, Shirley & Janine Lim. Mothers as Subtle Mentors. Presented at the AERA SIG: Women In Education. Lansing, Michigan. October 22, 1998.
Freed, Shirley & Glenda Mae Green. Mothers as Mentors. Presented at the International Conference for Teacher Research. San Diego. California. April 17, 1998.
Freed, Shirley & Janine Lim. The World Wide Web Enhances Literacy. Presented at Michigan Reading Association Conference. Grand Rapids, MI. March 16, 1997.
Freed, Shirley. Helping Girls Achieve in Mathematics. Presented at the Michigan Reading Association, March 16, 1996.
Freed, Shirley, Jo Sanders, Deirdre Armitage and Judy Werner. Institutionalizing Gender Equity in Teacher Education. Presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Chicago, IL February 22, 1996.
Freed, Shirley, Deirdre Armitage, Paula Freeman and Martha Voyles. New Developments for Teacher Educators About Gender Equity. Presented at the American Educational Studies Association, Cleveland, Ohio. November 2, 1995
Freed, Shirley. Action Research and Coaching Dramatically Change Pre-Service Teachers Beliefs and Skills. Presented at the 7th Biennial Conference of the International Study Association on Teacher Thinking, Brock University in St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada. Aug 2, 1995
Freed, Shirley and Naomi Ludman. "Some Interesting Innovations in Higher Education." Presented at Michigan Developmental Education Consortium, Kalamazoo, Michigan. March 30, 1995 in
Freed, Shirley and Kathy Shafer. "What to do When Students Don't Want to Participate in 'Community'." Presented at Michigan Developmental Education Consortium, Kalamazoo, Michigan. March 30, 1995
Freed, Shirley. "My Search for Meaning-making Among Elementary Math Education Students." Presented at the 20th Annual Conference American Educational Research Association, Special Interest Group: Research on Women in Education, St. Paul, Minnesota. October 27, 1994
Freed, Shirley and Kathy Shafer. "Benefits of Collaborative Learning Follow Careful Team building and Assessment Techniques." Presented at the National Center on Postsecondary Teaching, Curriculum Vitae of Shirley Freed Learning and Assessment, Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA. June 27, 1994
Freed, Shirley. "Strengthening Comprehension Instruction Through I-Messages. Presented at the International Reading Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. May 10, 1994
Freed, Shirley, Laurie Hale, Cathy Carrington and Dyan Ferrance. "Viewing Your Teaching Through Their Eyes!!" Presented at the Michigan Reading Association, Grand Rapids, Michigan. March 13, 1994
Freed, Shirley, Dyan Ferrance and Julie Fournier. "College Developmental Readers and Magolda's Ways of Knowing." Presented at the Great Lakes Regional Reading Association, Chicago,IL. September 22, 1993
Freed, Shirley, Jennifer Hansen and Coralie Lallemand. "A Creative Combination of Successful Teaching Tools." Presented at the Michigan Developmental Education Consortium, Ferris State University, MI. April 1, 1993.
Non-peer Reviewed Presentations
Freed, Shirley & Leslie Bumgardner. I Remember When Presented at the Association of Adventist Women, 20th Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon. October 18, 2002.
Freed, Shirley. Shaping Students Conception of Knowledge with Different Environments. Student Teacher Professional Conference. Andrews University. November 8, 2000.
Freed, Shirley & Louise Moon. Multiple Intelligences Pathways to Literacy: Tutors Making SMILIES. North American Division K - 12 Teachers Convention. Dallas, Texas. August 15, 2000.
Freed, Shirley & Steve Pawluk. Portfolios Arent Refrigerator Doors! North American Disicion K - 12 Teachers Convention. Dallas, Texas. August 15, 2000.
Freed, Shirley & Marilyn Eggers. AVLL, TAGeducation and Distance Education. International Conference on Electronic Distance Education. General Conference. June 20, 2000.
Freed, Shirley. WebCT Interactions Examined. Andrews University Faculty Research Luncheon. May 18, 2000.
Freed, Shirley & Louise Moon. Using Multiple Intelligences to Move Beyond the Tired Debates of Early Literacy Instruction. Presented at the 28th Annual M&M day Conference. Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor, MI. October 19, 1999.
Freed, Shirley, Larry Burton, Tom Standish & John McVey. Innovative Uses of the World Wide Web for Teaching and Learning Both On and Off Campus Courses. Presented at the Fall Technology Leadership Conference. Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI. October 15, 1999.
Freed, Shirley. Collaborative Learning & Working. An invited presentation at the Connections Conference in Battle Creek, Michigan. (2-year and 4-year college female administrators). May 14, 1998.
Freed, Shirley. Collaborative Learning. Invited presentation at Trends in Occupational Studies Conference. Acme, MI. October 10, 1996.
Freed, Shirley. Epistemological Dilemmas in Research: What Counts as Knowledge. Presented in the Research Seminar, Center for Research for Teacher Education and Development, University of Alberta, Canada, September 24, 1996.
Freed, Shirley. Action Research as a Methodology for Change. Presented at the Leadership Conference, Berrien Springs, MI, July 15, 1996.
Freed, Shirley. Using an Action Research Format Gender Issues Emerge in Math Education. Presented at Mathematics and Science Education Conference of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Michigan. Grand Rapids, MI. June 6, 1996.
Freed, Shirley. Action Research into Changes in Undergraduate Students Beliefs About Gender Issues in Math Education. Presented at the University of Alberta, Canada. March 28, 1996.
Freed, Shirley, Frank Conner, Mona White and Stanley Briggs. Student Work Teams for Collaborative Learning. Invited panelists at the Trends in Occupational Studies Conference. Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 12, 1995.
Freed, Shirley. Action Research Changes Undergraduate Beliefs About Gender Issues in Math Education. Presented to CUNY Gender Grant Recipients. Seattle, Washington, August 7, 1995.
Freed, Shirley. "Gender Issues Emerge Among Elementary Math Methods Students." Presented for Andrews University Faculty Luncheon series, March 9, 1995. |