
Scholarly Books or Textbooks or Curriculum Projects or Journal Editor:
- Published by Others
Theme Issue on Distance Learning - guest edited with Marilyn Eggers. 2003. The Journal of Adventist Education. (April/May) 65:4.
A Reason for Reading Series - 69 small books written and edited for the Christian Homeschool/School Market with Louise Moon. Concerned Publication. 2002-3. Peer reviewed by an advisory team of 10 professionals. Collected 2000+ pieces of data from children in the leveling process.
A Reason for Reading Teacher guides - 225 pages of supporting material for above reading series 2001. Reviewed by 10 professionals in an advisory capacity. Concerned Publication. 2002-3.
Journey Into Your Future. Web Publication. A collaborative project with the Berrien Intermediate School District. I worked with the reading levels of the stories, proof-read/wrote all stories and developed comprehension questions. November 1999.
The Multiple Intelligences Pathways to Literacy: Making Smilies, with Louise Moon, SkyLight Training and Publishing Inc. 1999. Originally developed for the NAD/ADRA tutoring initiative.
Town Council Adventure. Web publication. A collaborative project with the Berrien Intermediate School District. A choices, choices story format around real community issues. I worked with the reading levels of the stories, vocabulary and comprehension activities and developed the multiple intelligences assessments for the project. October 1998.
"What works." Conference material from the National Center on Postsecondary Teaching, Learning and Assessment. 10 pages of handouts from my presentation were included, 1994.
"Six Keys to Increase the Level of Thinking in Sabbath School: A Workshop." North American Division Church Ministries, Washington, D.C. 1992.
Active Learning in Higher Education. Portuguese version. Andrews University Lithotech. 2000.
Active Learning in the Video Conference. Andrews University Lithotech. 2000.
"The Essence of "X" in Unifix and Multilink Cubes." A 65-page curriculum project to teach algebra with manipulatives. Andrews University Lithotech, 1994.
"Active Teaching and Learning in Higher Education." A 70-page document used when inservicing college faculty in collaborative techniques. Andrews University Lithotech, 1993.
"Meaning-making by Expert Comprehenders." A 200-page document connecting the modeling of comprehension strategies to the Life Series. Andrews University Lithotech. 1992.
"Direct Instruction Support Materials for the Life Series." A 1000 page curriculum project connecting vocabulary development, spelling and penmanship. 1991.
Professional Articles
Freed, Shirley A. and Glenda-mae Green. 2005. Research as Improvisation: Dancing among Perspectives. The Qualitative Report, 10:2. pp. 276-288.
Freed, Shirley A., Eggers, Marilyn and Burton, Larry. 2004. Webagogy in Online Classes, Part II. The Journal of Adventist Education. (Feb/Mar)
Freed, Shirley A., Eggers, Marilyn and Burton, Larry. 2003. Webagogy in Online Classes. The Journal of Adventist Education. (Dec/Jan)
Freed, Shirley A., Annabelle Lopez, and Jimmy Kijai. 2003. Teaching Strategies and Adaptations of Teachers in Multiculturally Diverse Classrooms in Seventh-day Adventist K-8 Schools in North America. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 12:1. pp. 51-75.
Freed, Shirley A. and Don R. Roy. 2003. Creating Learning Communities in Online Classrooms. The Journal of Adventist Education. (April/May) 65:3, pg 17-19+online.
Freed, Shirley A. 1995. The Changing Teacher. Effective School Practices, 14:4 (Fall 1995) 5-9
Freed, Shirley A. Edited Discussion: Part 2 "Responses to the Prevalence of Phonics Instruction in Fundamentalist Christian Schools" Journal of Research on Christian Education, 3 (Spring 1994) 131-143.
Freed, Shirley A. "Extending the Reading Dialogue with Christian Fundamentalists," Journal of Researchon Christian Education, 3 (Spring 1994) 139-143.
Freed, Shirley A. and Kathy Shafer. "What works." Conference material from the National Center on Postsecondary Teaching, Learning and Assessment. 10 pages of handouts from my presentation were included, 1994.
Non Peer-Reviewed
Freed, Shirley A. and Marilyn Eggers. 2003. How Are We Connected? Guest Editorial, The Journal of Adventist Education, (April/May) 65,3,pg3.
Shirley and Lim, J. 2002. Collaborate@AVLN. Journal of Adventist Education, (Feb/March) 23,47.
Freed, Shirley. 2000. A Course in Point: Socrates Counsels a School Superintendent. Distance Education Report. (November,2000) 6.
Freed, Shirley and Lim, J. 2000. Adventist Distance Education: A Vision. Journal of Adventist Education, (Summer, 2000, GC issue), 23, 60.
Freed, Shirley and Lim, J. 2000. Adventist Education at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Fact or Possibility? Journal of Adventist Education, (April/May 2000) 40, 47.
Freed, Shirley A., Eggers, M. and Carey J. 1996. Wrote editorial and guest edited themed issue on Technology for the Journal of Adventist Education.
Freed, Shirley A. 1995. Cooperative Learning: An Alternative to Lecturing in College. Journal of Adventist Education, (April/May 1995) 38-41.
Freed, Shirley A. 1995. "Encouraging Active Learning," Journal of Adventist Education, 57:3 (Feb/Mar 1995) 4-9.
Freed, Shirley A. 1994/1995. "Using a Direct-Instruction Approach with the Life Series," Journal of Adventist Education, 57:2 (Dec 1994/Jan 1995) 23-27.
Freed, Shirley A. 1994. "Writing in Math Classes," Journal of Adventist Education, 56:3 (Feb/March 1994) 22-26.
Freed, Shirley A. 1992. "Six Keys to Increase the Level of Thinking in Sabbath School: A Workshop." North American Division Church Ministries, Washington, D.C.
Freed, Shirley and Paul S. Brantley. "Do Adventist Teachers Feel Valued: Research on Faculty in SDA Colleges and Universities," Journal of Adventist Education 53:9 (1990).
Book and other Reviews
Book Review of Ellis and Fouts book entitled Research on Educational Innovations Journal of Research on Christian Education (Spring 1996), Vol. 5, No. 1, 111-114.
Book Review of Magolda's book entitled "Knowing and Reasoning in College," Journal of Adventist Education, 56:4 (May 1994) 25.
Reviewed revisions for Second Edition, Reading Inventory for the Classroom, by Flynt and Cooter, Corsuch Scarsbrick, Publishers. May 1994.
Book Review of Calvin College Reading monograph entitled "A Christian Perspective on the Teaching of Reading," Journal of Research on Christian Education, 2:2 (Fall 1993)289.
Scholarly Referee Activity
AERA program coordinator for SIG: Associates for Research on Private Education. 2005 – 6 items referred.
External Examiner for University of Alberta, Canada. Dissertation – Narrative Inquiry into the Experiences of a Teacher and Eight Students Learning about HIV/AIDS through a Child-to-Child Curriculum Approach by Bosire Monari Mwebi. June 20, 2005.
The Qualitative Report, 1 item refererred. 2005.
Seminary Studies . 1 item refereed. 2005.
The Qualitative Report, 1 item refereed. 2003.
AERA program coordinator for SIG: Associates for Research on Private Education. 2002 – 8 items referred.
AERA Narrative research referee. 4 items refereed. 2002.
Journal of Research on Christian Education. 1 item refereed. 1997-98.
Journal of Research on Christian Education. 3 items refereed. 1996-97.
Journal of Research on Christian Education . 1 item refereed. 1995-1996.
Journal of Research on Christian Education. 2 items refereed. 1993-1994.