Andrews Homepage: Disabled Features

A Rock in the Stream

   Research & Creative Scholarship | Posted on March 10, 2017
This week, Jay Johnson, professor of engineering at Andrews University, received word that two grant proposals for research on which he is co-investigator have been selected by NASA. The two grants together total nearly $1.5 million and will... read more

What You've Been Made For

   Campus Ministries | Posted on February 3, 2017
Former student missionaries Bruna Barbosa, senior speech pathology & audiology major, Mikelle Wile, junior social work major and Joffre St. Hillare, first-year seminary student, understand the Andrews University motto, “Seek Knowledge. Affirm Faith. Change the World,” on a... read more

Prayer, Protest & Promise

   Campus & Student Life | Posted on February 1, 2017
Since 1970, the United States has celebrated Black History Month in February. The purpose of this month of remembrance and honor is to raise awareness of African-American achievements in North America while highlighting the collective history of the... read more

The Content of Our Character

   Campus News | Posted on January 23, 2017
“It was a time of segregation and injustice,” says Christon Arthur, provost of Andrews University. “It was a time of bigotry and hatred; a time when people of color were treated as less than human and with contempt.... read more

Mission: Fully Alive

   Campus News | Posted on January 13, 2017
They were beyond sleep-deprived. Oliver Glanz, assistant professor of Old Testament in the Seminary, and Oleg Kostyuk, PhD student and adjunct instructor of New Testament, had been awake for more than 36 hours and had spent 21 of... read more

An Andrews Christmas

| Posted on December 12, 2016
Andrews University is the second most ethnically diverse university in the nation and ties for seventh place for percentage of international students (U.S. News & World Report, 2016). This diversity is something we enjoy on a daily basis.... read more

Diversity in Psychology & Art

   Research & Creative Scholarship | Posted on November 30, 2016
Andrews University is classified as a Doctoral University: Moderate Research Activity (Carnegie Classification). This means that Andrews offers unparalleled opportunities for our students to study and learn in ways that consistently expand beyond specific classroom and laboratory assignments.... read more

Niels-Erik Andreasen—Farewell

| Posted on June 6, 2016