Stories of Andrews: Main

Jessica Felicio

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on October 9, 2017
It’s hard to build a positive self-image when you are constantly battling the effects of body shaming. Growing up in Portugal was not easy for me. I wasn’t originally from Portugal, so my features and my size greatly... read more

Lhorraine London Polite

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on September 26, 2017
I was born and raised in Panama City, Panama. When I was 8, my family relocated to the United States of America. I have fond memories of life in Panama. During that time, family members who were living... read more

Ruben Perez-Schulz

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on September 12, 2017
Let me start my story with my father. He was the eldest son of a wealthy wine producer in Chile and his life ahead seemed clear. But then at age 19 he found out about the Seventh-day Adventist... read more

Teela Ruehle

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on August 15, 2017
Michigan is home for me. That’s why Andrews University was a natural choice for me when I graduated from academy and decided to study business management and information systems. I had one goal in mind... read more

Michael Nixon

   Stories of Andrews: President Luxton | Posted on July 6, 2017
Law school was a big step up from my undergrad studies at Andrews, but it was also the first time I was studying in a non-Adventist educational environment. Needless to say, I did not adjust well and I... read more

Ben Regoso

   Stories of Andrews: Chaplains | Posted on May 24, 2017
I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. My younger sister and I were born of God-fearing and loving parents who emigrated from the Philippines to provide a better life for themselves and us. Much of my childhood... read more

Heaven Shin

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on April 26, 2017
Only last year, if you were to ask me if I think miracles could happen in my life, I probably would have said yes, but not a huge miracle like the ones told by people in their testimonies.... read more

Jessina Wangui Marenga

   Stories of Andrews: Main | Posted on April 18, 2017
My name is Jessina Wangui Marenga, and I am an African. My mother is from Kenya and my father from Zimbabwe. That makes me African, and I hold that truth near and dear to my heart. ... read more