Stories of Andrews: Other

Spencer Carter Chapel

   Stories of Andrews: Other | Posted on February 25, 2020
Those who have lived or worked in Meier Hall, the men’s residence on campus, will remember its layout. A basement and three floors. Suite-style rooms on east and west wings. A receiving lobby with a large fireplace that... read more

Nicholas Lozito

| Posted on November 9, 2018
About three years ago, Nicholas Lozito was giving a sermon when he felt strongly impressed to be a chaplain. “It was an afternoon service,” Nicholas says. “God put this on my heart, and that night I was looking... read more

Nina Vallado

   Stories of Andrews: Other | Posted on September 12, 2017
In May 2017, Nina Vallado graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in documentary film. Her senior project, a short documentary called “Sisterly,” talks about Nina’s relationship with her sister, Lisa, who is on the... read more

Grace Extended

   Stories of Andrews: Other | Posted on August 3, 2017
As a first-generation college student, I sat in the office of my academic advisor feeling unsure and defeated. My parents were supportive and wonderful but were not sure how to help me with academic choices. I had changed... read more

The Hugs Project

   Campus News | Posted on April 18, 2017
“People say I’m a good hugger. Hugs are one of the best ways to connect and show affection in general. You can throw yourself into a hug; embrace someone with your whole self and embrace their whole self.”... read more

Documentary Profile: Stephen Zork

   Stories of Andrews: Other | Posted on April 12, 2017
My parents went out to Africa in 1953. I was born there. They were a singing family; I grew up in a family that sang a lot. We lived in an area where the people sang a great... read more

Eternity to Sing

   School of Architecture & Interior Design Dean's Office | Posted on February 7, 2017
In late 2015, Luz Ruiz Tenorio, administrative assistant in the School of Architecture & Interior Design at Andrews University, went to a medical clinic concerned about difficulty she was experiencing in swallowing. She was told she had sinus... read more

What You've Been Made For

   Campus Ministries | Posted on February 3, 2017
Former student missionaries Bruna Barbosa, senior speech pathology & audiology major, Mikelle Wile, junior social work major and Joffre St. Hillare, first-year seminary student, understand the Andrews University motto, “Seek Knowledge. Affirm Faith. Change the World,” on a... read more